Monday, January 31, 2011
Interview of the Year starring Julian Assange
produced, mixed and mastered by Jonathan Toth from Hoth at The Cooler in St. Louis, MO for, January 31, 2011
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Censorship of WikiLeaks at
I started with the latest piece I wrote (see last thread): "Why I support WikiLeaks"
I put it under "Politics"
It was up for five minutes, then I got a response saying, "you did not follow forum rules" and something to do with not being able to post on that category. So I moved it to "Opinions" and it was up for a few more minutes. I got a bunch of replies, and it was taken down again.
Then I tried going with "WiciLeeks"...same deal...then "Wiccileecz" and "Joolien Uhsonje". The posts were up a little longer, but then they were taken down, same message.
Then I posted under a guy who managed to put up a post called "WikiLeaks" but the whole article was basically bashing Obama, so in the reply column, I posted the my piece. There it stayed for about an hour, and I hit up the author and asked him, "how did you get your words to stay there?" That's when I noticed there were zero replies next his thread which had been there several days (all the other threads in the same catagory had replies in the double and triple digits) that hour, me and a couple other people put up replies, then it was completely yanked, and I got the "banned" message.
Oh well, another blog on censorship I guess. The Europeans will say 'told you so'...the Americans will keep watching Sports Center.
I put it under "Politics"
It was up for five minutes, then I got a response saying, "you did not follow forum rules" and something to do with not being able to post on that category. So I moved it to "Opinions" and it was up for a few more minutes. I got a bunch of replies, and it was taken down again.
Then I tried going with "WiciLeeks"...same deal...then "Wiccileecz" and "Joolien Uhsonje". The posts were up a little longer, but then they were taken down, same message.
Then I posted under a guy who managed to put up a post called "WikiLeaks" but the whole article was basically bashing Obama, so in the reply column, I posted the my piece. There it stayed for about an hour, and I hit up the author and asked him, "how did you get your words to stay there?" That's when I noticed there were zero replies next his thread which had been there several days (all the other threads in the same catagory had replies in the double and triple digits) that hour, me and a couple other people put up replies, then it was completely yanked, and I got the "banned" message.
Oh well, another blog on censorship I guess. The Europeans will say 'told you so'...the Americans will keep watching Sports Center.
Why I Support WikiLeaks
My name is Jonathan, and I support WikiLeaks, because the greatest leaders in history would’ve done the same:
“Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.”
“Speak the truth, and do not yield to anger…”
“They deem him their worst enemy, who tells them the truth.”
“The least initial deviation from the truth is multiplied later a thousandfold.”
“…ye shall know the Truth, and the truth shall set you free.”
“Say what is true, although it may be bitter and displeasing to people.”
“There is no truth existing which I fear, or would wish unknown to the whole world.”
-Thomas Jefferson
“If you tell the truth you don't have to remember anything.”
-Mark Twain
“Truth never damages a cause that is just.”
“Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important ones.”
-Albert Eistein
“The truth is found when men are free to pursue it.”
-Franklin Delano Roosevelt
“The world is now too small for anything but 'the truth' and too terrible for anything but 'brotherhood.'”
-Adlai Stevenson
Truth is rock, lies and secrets are sand. When mankind builds upon rock, the structure stands strong, but when we attempt to build upon lies and secrets, it doesn’t take long before our building falls apart.
Historically, the US military has practiced “withholding” of truth based on the premise of “national security”. We are now finding out that in addition to withholding the truth, they are also lying about their actions as seen in leaked videos of Iraqi civilians being killed by US soldiers, recorded by our own surveillance, and leaked by concerned personnel who tried to go thru legal channels but were rebuffed several times over.
If US Military culture has shifted from withholding the truth to lying about their actions, the American people have a right to decide if that culture still suits our beliefs. We fund the military with our tax dollars, and they must be held accountable to us. We’re supposed to be the good guys!
Would we have found out the truth without WikiLeaks? I don’t know, but some questions to ask are, how long has this culture of lying pervaded the military, do they have a reason to stop and how long will the world tolerate distortion of the truth by the most effective killing machine on the planet?
I love America, or I would not seek to hold our leaders accountable. I believe in our military, or I would not attempt to correct what I believe to be a short-sighted, quick-fix to accomplishing their goals. WikiLeaks is a whistle blower operation that has become the most reliable source of truth, since our own media has been manipulated through monopoly takeovers that enable people of power to keep the truth hidden about their actual agendas.
Until our government, our military and our media become accountable, please join me and the millions of people whose eyes have been opened, in supporting WikiLeaks and Julian Assange to insure the truth can be no longer hidden, twisted or spun into that which is no longer truth. Otherwise we are living in the words of Adolf Hitler:
“The victor will never be asked if he told the truth.”
Until next time, this is Jonathan Toth from Hoth signing off, and remember:
Transparency is the Apocalypse…and we’ll find out what that looks like…very soon
“Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.”
“Speak the truth, and do not yield to anger…”
“They deem him their worst enemy, who tells them the truth.”
“The least initial deviation from the truth is multiplied later a thousandfold.”
“…ye shall know the Truth, and the truth shall set you free.”
“Say what is true, although it may be bitter and displeasing to people.”
“There is no truth existing which I fear, or would wish unknown to the whole world.”
-Thomas Jefferson
“If you tell the truth you don't have to remember anything.”
-Mark Twain
“Truth never damages a cause that is just.”
“Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important ones.”
-Albert Eistein
“The truth is found when men are free to pursue it.”
-Franklin Delano Roosevelt
“The world is now too small for anything but 'the truth' and too terrible for anything but 'brotherhood.'”
-Adlai Stevenson
Truth is rock, lies and secrets are sand. When mankind builds upon rock, the structure stands strong, but when we attempt to build upon lies and secrets, it doesn’t take long before our building falls apart.
Historically, the US military has practiced “withholding” of truth based on the premise of “national security”. We are now finding out that in addition to withholding the truth, they are also lying about their actions as seen in leaked videos of Iraqi civilians being killed by US soldiers, recorded by our own surveillance, and leaked by concerned personnel who tried to go thru legal channels but were rebuffed several times over.
If US Military culture has shifted from withholding the truth to lying about their actions, the American people have a right to decide if that culture still suits our beliefs. We fund the military with our tax dollars, and they must be held accountable to us. We’re supposed to be the good guys!
Would we have found out the truth without WikiLeaks? I don’t know, but some questions to ask are, how long has this culture of lying pervaded the military, do they have a reason to stop and how long will the world tolerate distortion of the truth by the most effective killing machine on the planet?
I love America, or I would not seek to hold our leaders accountable. I believe in our military, or I would not attempt to correct what I believe to be a short-sighted, quick-fix to accomplishing their goals. WikiLeaks is a whistle blower operation that has become the most reliable source of truth, since our own media has been manipulated through monopoly takeovers that enable people of power to keep the truth hidden about their actual agendas.
Until our government, our military and our media become accountable, please join me and the millions of people whose eyes have been opened, in supporting WikiLeaks and Julian Assange to insure the truth can be no longer hidden, twisted or spun into that which is no longer truth. Otherwise we are living in the words of Adolf Hitler:
“The victor will never be asked if he told the truth.”
Until next time, this is Jonathan Toth from Hoth signing off, and remember:
Transparency is the Apocalypse…and we’ll find out what that looks like…very soon
Monday, January 24, 2011
Latest collective theory on worldwide Animal deaths
[In three parts]
1. Wik-Bee Leaks Uncovers Government Bee Killing Conspiracy
The November 2nd memo, leaked to a Colorado beekeeper, indicates that the EPA was well-aware that the pesticide Clothianidin posed some serious risks to honey bees. There have been concerns about this chemical from as far back as 2003, and it's already been banned in Germany, France, Italy and Slovenia because of its toxicity. But the EPA chose to sweep all that under the rug to keep the pesticide on the market.
Clothianidin, marketed as "Poncho" by Bayer, is widely used on corn, as well as canola, soy, sugar beets, sunflowers and wheat. As if the $262 million cash crop from last year wasn't enough, Bayer wants to keep expanding the pesticide's use. And the company's original registration was based on some seriously flawed science: they evaluated the wrong crop, with the wrong controls to assess the impact on bees.
This all adds up to some serious questions about the government contributing to Colony Collapse Disorder as they knowingly allowed Bayer to poison bees. And this is about a lot more than honey production ... native habitats, and as much as one-third of America's food supply, rely on the pollination provided by bees.
In light of the leaked memo, the National Honey Bee Advisory Board, American Beekeeping Federation, American Honey Producers Association, Beyond Pesticides, Pesticide Action Network North America, and Center for Biological Diversity sent a letter to the EPA requesting that the agency "take urgent action to stop the use of this toxic chemical."
The letter goes on to point out that this new information indicates an overuse of the Office of Pesticide Program's conditional registration program. This bee boondoggle "represents a failure that could and should have been avoided." As a result, the coalition is calling for an immediate moratorium on these types of registration until the program is evaluated.
There's still a lot we don't know about Colony Collapse Disorder and the massive bee die-offs it's been causing. One thing we do know is that bees are in trouble, and that's not good news for all the animals (and humans) who rely on the plants these important insects sustain.
Join the call for the EPA to stop the sale of Poncho and conduct a thorough study into the pesticide's impact on wildlife.
2. Bye Bye Blackbird: USDA Admits Responsibility for Mass Bird Death; 4,000,000 Birds Killed in ’09
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) had admitted responsibility for the poisoning of thousands of birds, many of which were found dead on the ground and frozen in trees in Yankton, South Dakota on Monday. According to Truthout, the USDA’s Wildlife Services Program works with farmers to cull birds which often eat large quantities of agricultural feed and defecate on livestock and farm equipment. There’s even a name for this little-known government bird control program: Bye Bye Blackbird. In 2009 alone, the USDA killed more than 4,000,000 red-winged blackbirds, starlings, cowbirds and grackles. Pesticides are the weapon of choice; an avian poison called DRC-1339 was used in the Yankton case. Up to 5,000 birds were sprayed in neighboring Nebraska and somehow managed to make it to South Dakota before dying. The USDA stresses that this incident is in no way related to the mass bird deaths that have made headlines this year, most notably in Arkansas and Louisiana.
Under the Bye Bye Blackbird program, farmers are allowed to kill any blackbirds, grackles and starlings deemed to be a health risk or damaging to the economy. Farmers often hire private contractors to do the dirty work. “Every winter, there’s massive and purposeful kills of these blackbirds,” Greg Butcher, director of bird conservation at the National Audubon Society told Truthout. Carol Bannerman, a spokeswoman for USDA Wildlife Services, dismisses the obvious animal cruelty implications of such killings. “It’s not that we have anything against starlings, but our charge is to help protect agriculture… and protect property and human health or safety,” she said. “And the fact is, in a lot of rural settings, people say, ‘It’s just birds, what’s the problem?’”
It’s “just birds”… including some endangered ones. Ornithologists believe the mass killings may be reducing the number of the rare rusty blackbird, which roosts with more common varieties of blackbirds. With private contract killers not required to keep tabs of how many birds they kill, the rusty blackbird could be in serious danger.
3. Dead Birds, Bees & Fish Explained By EPA Document? VIDEO
This video is the Young Turks breaking down the simple logic of, "Hello?" If you kill the honey bees with poison (albeit unintentionally), then you admit to feeding the birds poison (after the US government stated on record, that they did not poison the birds) you don't think there could be exponential effects on the rest of our ecosystem?
Any poison infected bird that dies and falls into streams, rivers and oceans will be eaten by fish (sound familiar?) and any birds that fall on land around carnivores can be possibly eaten as well. Also, poisonous bird droppings will land all over crops, grains, and food for us and other animals.
It obviously wasn't well thought out, but GOD DAMN. Einstein said, "If the bees die, the human race will be dead within four years," (no pollinators, no plants) and now we're finding out the only other pollinators are dying as well. It doesn't sound very bright. It sounds like greed and opportunism, similar to what we've been experiencing with many big business decisions as of late.
Thanks to all my fellow WikiLeakers for collecting these links and sharing them freely.
Transparency is the what shall we do about it?
1. Wik-Bee Leaks Uncovers Government Bee Killing Conspiracy
The November 2nd memo, leaked to a Colorado beekeeper, indicates that the EPA was well-aware that the pesticide Clothianidin posed some serious risks to honey bees. There have been concerns about this chemical from as far back as 2003, and it's already been banned in Germany, France, Italy and Slovenia because of its toxicity. But the EPA chose to sweep all that under the rug to keep the pesticide on the market.
Clothianidin, marketed as "Poncho" by Bayer, is widely used on corn, as well as canola, soy, sugar beets, sunflowers and wheat. As if the $262 million cash crop from last year wasn't enough, Bayer wants to keep expanding the pesticide's use. And the company's original registration was based on some seriously flawed science: they evaluated the wrong crop, with the wrong controls to assess the impact on bees.
This all adds up to some serious questions about the government contributing to Colony Collapse Disorder as they knowingly allowed Bayer to poison bees. And this is about a lot more than honey production ... native habitats, and as much as one-third of America's food supply, rely on the pollination provided by bees.
In light of the leaked memo, the National Honey Bee Advisory Board, American Beekeeping Federation, American Honey Producers Association, Beyond Pesticides, Pesticide Action Network North America, and Center for Biological Diversity sent a letter to the EPA requesting that the agency "take urgent action to stop the use of this toxic chemical."
The letter goes on to point out that this new information indicates an overuse of the Office of Pesticide Program's conditional registration program. This bee boondoggle "represents a failure that could and should have been avoided." As a result, the coalition is calling for an immediate moratorium on these types of registration until the program is evaluated.
There's still a lot we don't know about Colony Collapse Disorder and the massive bee die-offs it's been causing. One thing we do know is that bees are in trouble, and that's not good news for all the animals (and humans) who rely on the plants these important insects sustain.
Join the call for the EPA to stop the sale of Poncho and conduct a thorough study into the pesticide's impact on wildlife.
2. Bye Bye Blackbird: USDA Admits Responsibility for Mass Bird Death; 4,000,000 Birds Killed in ’09
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) had admitted responsibility for the poisoning of thousands of birds, many of which were found dead on the ground and frozen in trees in Yankton, South Dakota on Monday. According to Truthout, the USDA’s Wildlife Services Program works with farmers to cull birds which often eat large quantities of agricultural feed and defecate on livestock and farm equipment. There’s even a name for this little-known government bird control program: Bye Bye Blackbird. In 2009 alone, the USDA killed more than 4,000,000 red-winged blackbirds, starlings, cowbirds and grackles. Pesticides are the weapon of choice; an avian poison called DRC-1339 was used in the Yankton case. Up to 5,000 birds were sprayed in neighboring Nebraska and somehow managed to make it to South Dakota before dying. The USDA stresses that this incident is in no way related to the mass bird deaths that have made headlines this year, most notably in Arkansas and Louisiana.
Under the Bye Bye Blackbird program, farmers are allowed to kill any blackbirds, grackles and starlings deemed to be a health risk or damaging to the economy. Farmers often hire private contractors to do the dirty work. “Every winter, there’s massive and purposeful kills of these blackbirds,” Greg Butcher, director of bird conservation at the National Audubon Society told Truthout. Carol Bannerman, a spokeswoman for USDA Wildlife Services, dismisses the obvious animal cruelty implications of such killings. “It’s not that we have anything against starlings, but our charge is to help protect agriculture… and protect property and human health or safety,” she said. “And the fact is, in a lot of rural settings, people say, ‘It’s just birds, what’s the problem?’”
It’s “just birds”… including some endangered ones. Ornithologists believe the mass killings may be reducing the number of the rare rusty blackbird, which roosts with more common varieties of blackbirds. With private contract killers not required to keep tabs of how many birds they kill, the rusty blackbird could be in serious danger.
3. Dead Birds, Bees & Fish Explained By EPA Document? VIDEO
This video is the Young Turks breaking down the simple logic of, "Hello?" If you kill the honey bees with poison (albeit unintentionally), then you admit to feeding the birds poison (after the US government stated on record, that they did not poison the birds) you don't think there could be exponential effects on the rest of our ecosystem?
Any poison infected bird that dies and falls into streams, rivers and oceans will be eaten by fish (sound familiar?) and any birds that fall on land around carnivores can be possibly eaten as well. Also, poisonous bird droppings will land all over crops, grains, and food for us and other animals.
It obviously wasn't well thought out, but GOD DAMN. Einstein said, "If the bees die, the human race will be dead within four years," (no pollinators, no plants) and now we're finding out the only other pollinators are dying as well. It doesn't sound very bright. It sounds like greed and opportunism, similar to what we've been experiencing with many big business decisions as of late.
Thanks to all my fellow WikiLeakers for collecting these links and sharing them freely.
Transparency is the what shall we do about it?
Another form of hate on the Internet: Trolling

"This form of aggressive hate posts is called 'trolling'. It works especially well when the instigators are anonymous. They assume it frees them of any kind of responsibility to being accountable for their words. Common trolling habits are as follows:
1. Name calling
2. Defamation of character/slander
3. Threats ranging from subversive to suggestive to metaphoric to obvious
4. Singling out an individual and ganging up on them to make them feel insecure or insignificant in hopes that they feel as bad as the trolls do about themselves.
"The latest precedent of trolls actually harming a person through ridicule is Phoebe Prince of Massachusetts, who in January of 2010 commit suicide as a result of "cyber bullying" by her high school classmates. The following "trolls" were prosecuted as such:
Kayla Narey, 17, civil rights violations, criminal harassment, disturbance of a school assembly.
Ashley Longe, 16, civil rights violations.
Flannery Mullins, 16, civil rights violations, stalking.
Sharon Chanon Velazquez, 16, civil rights violations, stalking.
Three other juvenile girls, all unnamed, have been charged with civil rights violations, criminal harassment, and assault.
"This chapter was originally a thread from Stephen Colbert's forums ( and the title of the thread was, "To anyone posting good ideas in this forum." As you read it, notice how the trolls here sound very similar to the catty high school girls who were prosecuted. This thread was begun by the author, thereby becoming his "space". The anonymous participants have proceeded into his space and commenced a torrent of negativity. Interesting? Not really, but then again, that sums up how angry and jaded many people are on the internet
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Nosce te ipsum "Know thyself" (To all WikiLeakers)

I respect Jesus because his Love of everyone (even his captors and even his slanderers), and his trust in God manifested in healing and leading.
I respect Muhammad for his teachings of unity and family that lead to brotherly love and unification.
I respect Moses for giving us the ten commandments, a perfect moral compass for humanity.
I respect Buddha for his patience and kindness and understanding of what it is to be human.
I respect Bahá'u'lláh for putting all of the best parts of world religions into one belief system.
I respect Mary Baker Eddy for manifesting a scientific approach to healing thru Christianity.
I respect Gandhi for his peaceful application of dissention and his nonviolent method for protesting fascism.
I respect Martin Luther King for his bravery, his trust in his fellow man and his faith in the American judicial system.
I respect Ayn Rand for giving us a reason to Love and cherish capitalism thru fictional heroes based on her greatest sense of good.
I respect Paulo Coelho for using stories to inspire mankind to dream our greatest dreams and turn them into reality.
I respect Orson Scott Card for his understanding of strategy and how to help the Earth achieve a WIN-WIN solution for everyone.
I respect Julian Assange for his courage to live his belief in transparency even with the threat of death hanging over his every action.
I respect Obama for having the audacity to believe he could become President of the United States and I'm grateful that he is enabling us to be better using ANY or ALL of the above mentioned philosophies.
I, Jonathan Getzschman, am a WikiLeaker, because I believe that Amnesty for Transparency is the fastest way to get the truth about US. I don't mind if you disagree with me, but this is what I know about myself, and that's important.
Please tell me what you know about yourself, and make it good...
(and go to the WikiLeaks Discussion boards to brainstorm with us)
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
"The Pentagon Papers" Supreme Court ruling applies to WikiLeaks
I'm reading "Obama's War" by Bob Woodward ©2010, and on page 179 he says:
"On June 30, 1971, Supreme Court decision on the Pentagon Papers case, nearly four decades earlier and just three months before I joined the Post, opened the door for such conversations with the government. In its 6 to3 ruling, the court essentially said THE GOVERNMENT COULD NOT RESTRAIN THE PRESS BEFORE PUBLICATION OF CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS, which permitted The New York Times and The Washington Post to CONTINUE PUBLISHING the top secret 47-volume Vietnam War study, which showed that the government had repeatedly lied to the public about the war.
Because the government COULD NOT LEGALLY STOP US FROM PUBLISHING the McChrystal assessment, we had the upper hand in listening to arguments for deleting passages from the report. For the Pentagon Papers, the Times and Post did not consult the government in advance. To do so would have alerted the government and likely resulted in a court action to stop publication, which is exactly what the government did in federal court after the initial articles ran.
[my CAPS...but interesting timing on Woodward's part to bring this up now]
Since this IS the case, the US government CANNOT seek any kind of "espionage" charge against Julian Assange. They know this.
My questions are:
-If our government would take this again to the supreme court, do they have enough pull to change the ruling or alter it to depict WikiLeaks as something other than "The Press"?
-Do any of these political assassinations that happened in the last two weeks have anything to do with WikiLeaks?
1. John Wheeler III-bio/chemical warfare expert for both Bush's, found in land fill after the birds and the fish started dying (1/4/2011)
2. John Roll-federal judge placed in office by Bush Sr. in 1991, who in 2009, faced death threats after presiding over a $32 million civil-rights lawsuit in Arizona, killed by Jared Loughner (1/8/2011)
3. Ashley Turton (married to Daniel A. Turton, 43, the White House's deputy director of legislative affairs for the House of Representatives)-lobbyist for Progress Energy, that Duke Energy bought for $13 billion in stock the day after her death, found in her burned car, in her garage (1/10/2011)
-Now that these people are dead, what new options does the government have in regards to WikiLeaks (meaning: did any of them have any damaging info or power that some in the government might have felt was a threat)?
-Were these assassinations simple vendettas performed by the CIA to intimidate anyone who might think of snitching to WikiLeaks?
Just questions...but transparency will sort it all out...
Transparency is the Apocalypse.
"On June 30, 1971, Supreme Court decision on the Pentagon Papers case, nearly four decades earlier and just three months before I joined the Post, opened the door for such conversations with the government. In its 6 to3 ruling, the court essentially said THE GOVERNMENT COULD NOT RESTRAIN THE PRESS BEFORE PUBLICATION OF CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS, which permitted The New York Times and The Washington Post to CONTINUE PUBLISHING the top secret 47-volume Vietnam War study, which showed that the government had repeatedly lied to the public about the war.
Because the government COULD NOT LEGALLY STOP US FROM PUBLISHING the McChrystal assessment, we had the upper hand in listening to arguments for deleting passages from the report. For the Pentagon Papers, the Times and Post did not consult the government in advance. To do so would have alerted the government and likely resulted in a court action to stop publication, which is exactly what the government did in federal court after the initial articles ran.
[my CAPS...but interesting timing on Woodward's part to bring this up now]
Since this IS the case, the US government CANNOT seek any kind of "espionage" charge against Julian Assange. They know this.
My questions are:
-If our government would take this again to the supreme court, do they have enough pull to change the ruling or alter it to depict WikiLeaks as something other than "The Press"?
-Do any of these political assassinations that happened in the last two weeks have anything to do with WikiLeaks?
1. John Wheeler III-bio/chemical warfare expert for both Bush's, found in land fill after the birds and the fish started dying (1/4/2011)
2. John Roll-federal judge placed in office by Bush Sr. in 1991, who in 2009, faced death threats after presiding over a $32 million civil-rights lawsuit in Arizona, killed by Jared Loughner (1/8/2011)
3. Ashley Turton (married to Daniel A. Turton, 43, the White House's deputy director of legislative affairs for the House of Representatives)-lobbyist for Progress Energy, that Duke Energy bought for $13 billion in stock the day after her death, found in her burned car, in her garage (1/10/2011)
-Now that these people are dead, what new options does the government have in regards to WikiLeaks (meaning: did any of them have any damaging info or power that some in the government might have felt was a threat)?
-Were these assassinations simple vendettas performed by the CIA to intimidate anyone who might think of snitching to WikiLeaks?
Just questions...but transparency will sort it all out...
Transparency is the Apocalypse.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
We, The People, are Alright
The people are alright. We are not the corrupt governments who represent us. We are not the messages of fear pervaded by the media. We are not the military who kills in our name. We are the people, and we are fine.
We, the American people are also fine with the Russian people. They haven't hurt us. Our governments have attempted to make us think we should be scared of each other, but we're not. The American people will not hurt the Russian people, and the Russian people will not hurt us American people.
We, the American people are also fine with the British people. The British people have been close to us for a long time because much of us came for the British people. We will not hurt the British people and the British people will not hurt us American people
We American people are also fine with the Afghani people, because the Afghani people are good just like us. The Afghani people are not the terrorists who kill in their name. We will not hurt the Afghani people and the Afghani people will not hurt us.
This is true of all the peoples on our planet. We American people are made up of Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Atheists, Agnostics, Energy and Love. That's also why we are so full of good, because we are made up of the rest of the world. Humans beings are one life force working together and the American people are the proof.
Let's not let any government or media or military convince us otherwise. Any attempt to make us afraid or doubt our togetherness is irresponsible and intended to control us.
We are smarter than that. We create our governments, they don't create us. We know in our hearts that we are one and not divided. Let anyone know who would tell you otherwise, We, the people of Earth are alright.
Transparency is the Apocalypse...and it's
We, the American people are also fine with the Russian people. They haven't hurt us. Our governments have attempted to make us think we should be scared of each other, but we're not. The American people will not hurt the Russian people, and the Russian people will not hurt us American people.
We, the American people are also fine with the British people. The British people have been close to us for a long time because much of us came for the British people. We will not hurt the British people and the British people will not hurt us American people
We American people are also fine with the Afghani people, because the Afghani people are good just like us. The Afghani people are not the terrorists who kill in their name. We will not hurt the Afghani people and the Afghani people will not hurt us.
This is true of all the peoples on our planet. We American people are made up of Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Atheists, Agnostics, Energy and Love. That's also why we are so full of good, because we are made up of the rest of the world. Humans beings are one life force working together and the American people are the proof.
Let's not let any government or media or military convince us otherwise. Any attempt to make us afraid or doubt our togetherness is irresponsible and intended to control us.
We are smarter than that. We create our governments, they don't create us. We know in our hearts that we are one and not divided. Let anyone know who would tell you otherwise, We, the people of Earth are alright.
Transparency is the Apocalypse...and it's
Friday, January 7, 2011
Amnesty for Transparency...out of the question?
A belief is only a thought I keep if I'm not getting what I want, and I keep thinking about what I don't have, I'm going to continue proving that I will never get what I want.
Well, if a belief is only a thought I keep thinking (I'm not pain no must be karma...I was born under the wrong's the government's fault...) what happens if I start thinking about ONLY what I want, even if it's not true yet?
The Wright Brothers thought man could fly...EVERYONE said they couldn't. SCIENCE said they couldn't...HISTORY said they couldn't...but what happened?
They made their belief reality by thinking a thought over and over.
I want Amnesty for Transparency because we become stronger as metaphysical beings when we learn to trust ourselves (and then each other) so we can move beyond the cultures of primal man. It's time.
Transparency is the's coming whether they want it or not.
Well, if a belief is only a thought I keep thinking (I'm not pain no must be karma...I was born under the wrong's the government's fault...) what happens if I start thinking about ONLY what I want, even if it's not true yet?
The Wright Brothers thought man could fly...EVERYONE said they couldn't. SCIENCE said they couldn't...HISTORY said they couldn't...but what happened?
They made their belief reality by thinking a thought over and over.
I want Amnesty for Transparency because we become stronger as metaphysical beings when we learn to trust ourselves (and then each other) so we can move beyond the cultures of primal man. It's time.
Transparency is the's coming whether they want it or not.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
How about Amnesty for Transparency?
As long as government officials and the military want to come clean, they won't do jail time. Nelson Mandella orchestrated that for his new South African government after apartheid was lifted and they got the truth out about government assassinations, corruption and unethical methods. Killers and monsters walked, but it tied everything together and the victims were able to mourn (many with their abusers), and it was very healing.
It would work great with our politicians, because those who come clean walk, and those who don't talk begin to look REALLY guilty as testimony piles up around them.
If we're all transparent, we can't conquer each other any more. We can only progress as lifeforms. Part of the reason some Aborigines from Australia are mentally telepathic with each other is because in their words, "once you let down your guard and allow others to look into you, the fear of embarrassment or judgment falls away and you are free to think out loud".
Our government cannot progress to a higher level of consciousness (let alone accountability) until we get the past out of the way.
As Earthlings, when we stand together on ANYTHING, things improve fast. Why don't we just demand it? Amnesty for Transparency.
It would work great with our politicians, because those who come clean walk, and those who don't talk begin to look REALLY guilty as testimony piles up around them.
If we're all transparent, we can't conquer each other any more. We can only progress as lifeforms. Part of the reason some Aborigines from Australia are mentally telepathic with each other is because in their words, "once you let down your guard and allow others to look into you, the fear of embarrassment or judgment falls away and you are free to think out loud".
Our government cannot progress to a higher level of consciousness (let alone accountability) until we get the past out of the way.
As Earthlings, when we stand together on ANYTHING, things improve fast. Why don't we just demand it? Amnesty for Transparency.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
"NANCY" by the NancyBoys is now available for free download at
In an age where rappers wear make-up, get manicures and play with fancy toys, you have the NancyBoys. They are emcees who embrace their metrosexuality and flaunt it, instead of
answering questions ambiguously with 'no comment'. Networking on the
internet, they have joined forces to put forth this concept, the sickest
yet from The Frozen Food Section, a collection of the biggest vets who
create only what they can get away with...So let's get on with it...
1. Fancy Toys feat. Huggie Brown, Shane Westerhoff-Schultz and Blaine Zapain produced by Midas Wells
2. Ticket 2 Ride feat. Blaine Zapain, Leaf and Chadd produced by Amiri
3. Brothers McShierholz feat. Brad, Chadd and Chip Shierholz produced by Serengeti
4. The Red Rolls Out feat. Tony Puma, Blaine Zapain and Shane Westerhoff-Schultz produced by Amiri
5. Moving Violation [SKIT]
6. I Gotta Wear Shades feat. Tucker Booth, Frank Friction and Blaine Zapain
produced by Midas Wells
7. Big, Blonde and Beautiful feat. Blaine Zapain produced by Jonathan Toth from Hoth
8. It's a Walk-Off feat. Leaf, Blaine and Derek
9. She Got It Goin' On feat. Tucker Booth, Jasmine and Blaine Zapain produced by Maji
10. Business feat. Blaine Zapain, Floss and Leaf produced by Serengeti
11. Shane vs. Tucker vs. Chad (freestyle) produced by Amiri
12. Stuff According feat. Dirty Heat produced by Midas Wells
13. Supposebly feat. MC 401 (k) and Chadd produced by Midas Wells
14. Don't Look at My Girlfriend feat. Tucker Booth, Dirty Sanchez and Helias as Tristan Glover produced by Amiri
15. Nancy Boys feat. Blaine Zapain and Shane produced by DJ Crucial
16. So feat. Abe tha Babe, Blaine, Shane and Christy Montana produced by Amiri
NANCY by the NancyBoys, a rapped perspective about metrosexual men
within a homophobic hip hop culture, is fully loaded and available for
FREE download:
answering questions ambiguously with 'no comment'. Networking on the
internet, they have joined forces to put forth this concept, the sickest
yet from The Frozen Food Section, a collection of the biggest vets who
create only what they can get away with...So let's get on with it...
1. Fancy Toys feat. Huggie Brown, Shane Westerhoff-Schultz and Blaine Zapain produced by Midas Wells
2. Ticket 2 Ride feat. Blaine Zapain, Leaf and Chadd produced by Amiri
3. Brothers McShierholz feat. Brad, Chadd and Chip Shierholz produced by Serengeti
4. The Red Rolls Out feat. Tony Puma, Blaine Zapain and Shane Westerhoff-Schultz produced by Amiri
5. Moving Violation [SKIT]
6. I Gotta Wear Shades feat. Tucker Booth, Frank Friction and Blaine Zapain
produced by Midas Wells
7. Big, Blonde and Beautiful feat. Blaine Zapain produced by Jonathan Toth from Hoth
8. It's a Walk-Off feat. Leaf, Blaine and Derek
9. She Got It Goin' On feat. Tucker Booth, Jasmine and Blaine Zapain produced by Maji
10. Business feat. Blaine Zapain, Floss and Leaf produced by Serengeti
11. Shane vs. Tucker vs. Chad (freestyle) produced by Amiri
12. Stuff According feat. Dirty Heat produced by Midas Wells
13. Supposebly feat. MC 401 (k) and Chadd produced by Midas Wells
14. Don't Look at My Girlfriend feat. Tucker Booth, Dirty Sanchez and Helias as Tristan Glover produced by Amiri
15. Nancy Boys feat. Blaine Zapain and Shane produced by DJ Crucial
16. So feat. Abe tha Babe, Blaine, Shane and Christy Montana produced by Amiri
NANCY by the NancyBoys, a rapped perspective about metrosexual men
within a homophobic hip hop culture, is fully loaded and available for
FREE download:

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