Tuesday, January 8, 2013

All or Nothing

True equality means ALL is equal, and ALL people are equal, therefore what one person is entitled to, ALL must be entitled to.

1. If you have the right to make a limitless amount of money, the rest of us MUST have the right to make a limitless amount of money.
2. If you have the right to run for office and win a government position, the rest of us MUST have the right to run for office and win a government position.
3. If you can defend yourself with hi-tech weapons, the rest of us MUST have the right to defend ourselves with hi-tech weapons.


(is that fair?)

Saturday, January 5, 2013


When our government evolves past a WIN-LOSE mentality to a WIN-WIN reality, there will be no more partisan politics, no more terrorists and no more predatory capitalism, just harmony and unprecedented ingenuity.

WIN-LOSE (primal): For me to win, you must lose.
WIN-WIN (evolved): For me to win, you must win with me.

When our government sees America as their family, they will understand it's in their best interest to work together (with us), instead of believing power is a game to be won and not an opportunity to build something amazing.