Sunday, August 31, 2014

Why Does the Mainstream Media Distort and Withhold the Truth?

Last year was the 60th anniversary of John F. Kennedy's death. A month later the Federal Reserve (who helped fund and cover up his murder) celebrated the 100th year of their birth. Some might call that #StatusQuoRules. Others believe official narratives like the Warren Report, but clearly it's either because they haven't researched it (or read it) or they are in on it, and only stick to orders.

The question then is: how many government employees, CIA/FBI agents and police involved in the cover up of JFK's murder actually know they were engaged in a coup d'etat?
(then or now)

As this anniversary came and went, little media attention was paid to it and even less media allowed history buffs on the subject, with evidence and testimony to assert their case. They were often ridiculed and talked over by the pundits. It's odd to see journalists behave this way, when their job is to hear all sides on the subject. This article is worth reading on how the military industrial complex learned they could use US media to control much of what the population believes.

...the cover-up of the Kennedy assassination could never have succeeded without Mockingbird. According to the Church Committee, CIA used circa 40 percent of its budget to finance Operation Mockingbird, which is another telling sign of how important the program was and possibly still is. We, the research community, can see the patterns, but the public cannot. The public must understand Mockingbird and what it is...and how the Press and Media have helped to hide the truth for over 50 years.
-by Staffan H. Westerberg & Pete Engwall

Operation Mockingbird:
How Democracy was manipulated
through the mainstream Media

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Gaza Options

A normal polarizing conversation on Gaza

A: Stop killing Palestinians
B: They are hiding Hamas who attacked Israel
A: So find Hamas, and quit blaming civilians
B: Hamas is using the civilians as human shields, there will be collateral damage.
A: What should peace-loving Palestinians do then?
B: They should just leave if they want to stay alive.

Win goes to B: killing women and children is justified, they should just leave and let Israel take the rest of Palestine. The USA did the same to the Indians, and it worked. Why should Israel do differently?

Well what if...