Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sharing the vision of WikiLeaks to people who aren't online?


I spent an hour talking to a fellow business entrepreneur named Kevin, who owns one of the last remaining video tape/dvd rental shops in St. Louis.

I asked him if he knew about WikiLeaks and Julian Assange. He said yeah, and I asked him what?
"He published a bunch of US military secrets right?"

Well, sort of...I added to that, bringing up US cables between ambassadors and video of human rights violations.

"But he did some kind of espionage to get them right?"

(Sigh) No, and I explained how all media is submitted to WikiLeaks via the internet, and then I asked him if watches FOX NEWS.

"Well sure, but that's because when they get their facts, they'll show you a book where they got it from and say, 'if you don't believe me, read it here,' so I usually like hearing what they have to say, trusting that they are doing good fact finding."

It turns out he get his news from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch too (which he considered the "liberal" newspaper) and occasionally listens to NPR, but they are often more "socialist" than he likes.

Anywho, I let him know more about the facts behind WikiLeaks, including Julians' history of breaking into the US DoJ computers a decade ago (which he had read about, but did not know it was Julian) and then evolving into a people driven, whistle blowing, multi-media publishing organization that specialized in "Free Press activism" (suggesting it was a decision based on all the secrets he had found out about, but was unable to do anything himself anyways).

After that, Kevin had some interesting questions:

"Why am I not hearing about that in the papers or the magazines I read?"
"Why don't the news programs I watch include anything on WikiLeaks?"
"Why do I feel as if my political views (conservative) aren't spoken about or considered by the Republicans?"
"How come I don't get much information from the media I pay attention to?

That question was the overall gist of what we talked about for the last half hour. He felt as if all sorts of shit was going down around the world, and every time he searched for it, he could only find out in a library or from friends "in the know".

HE COULDN'T GET MUCH FROM THE REGULAR MAINSTREAM MEDIA...and that was obvious and frustrating to him.

I told him to get online and just go to youtube and start searching topics that interested him (especially since he's a movie guy...who's NEVER BEEN ONLINE). I mentioned he would find lots of propaganda from the right wing and the left wing, but if he kept looking, he would also find TONS of documented info that was true and valid and incredibly apropos to what's going on. I also implied he might find out why he's experiencing such an underwhelming feeling of being left in the dark.

I would ask everyone who's volunteering for WikiLeaks to remember to talk to EVERYONE about the importance of getting online and seeing for themselves what they believe. Mainstream media is too contrived now with too little information for anyone to feel satiated, especially for many of these older generations who have come to trust their usual routine of doing things.

I really enjoy asking people, "so what do you know about WikiLeaks?"
The rest apocalypse.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

INFO WARS...who'd a thunk our governments would end up in a war where they have to hide information or lose power?

These are WAR GAMES...and here are the players:

1. WikiLeaks and whistle blower media outlets-"Freedom of the Press" activists
2. Whiste Blowers-Bradley Manning, Adam Winfield and Rudolph Elmer (in jail)
3. Anonymous-a faceless group actively seeking to disrupt organizations opposed to "Freedom of Speech" and whistle blowers

They represent Transparency
Those against Transparency:

1. Some big government
2. Some big military
3. Some big business

The winner will convince the public they are right...who do you think will win?

Transparency is the Apocalypse.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Who wouldn't want Transparecy?

The Status Quo are those who are satisfied with how our system is working.

This social group benefits from a lack of transparency, because they are privy to information before it hits the public. For example, members of the Bilderberg group meet every year, to make secret, coordinated business decisions together, so they can manipulate the stock market based on buying or selling stocks as a TEAM. When they, the wealthiest 1% of the populace, who own 90% of the Earth make strategic moves TOGETHER, say to sell stocks all at once, those not in the know (the other 99% of us) are at a disadvantage when we watch the stock market drop as a result of their teamwork. Likewise, once the rest of the market has mimicked them, and the value drops further, a group like this can then buy back their shares at a significantly lower price, making money on moves that ONLY THEY KNEW ABOUT.

"Short selling" stocks is another way of making money, IF YOU KNOW WHEN YOUR STOCK IS GOING TO SPLIT. If the stock splits during the course of your short, you'll owe twice the number of shares at half the price. The last time the Stock Market saw an unusually large percentage of "short sells" was the week before that a coincidence? No, if you know why: those who engaged in short selling the week before the World Trade Towers fell had insider information about what was going to happen. A simple way to find out who had prior knowledge, would be to ask our government for a list of those who made short sells during the week of September 4, thru September 10, 2001.

Unfortunately, that list is has been censored by our government from the public ever since the attacks of 9-11.


Because it would be a map to finding out who knew about 9-11 before it even happened. Lack of transparency allows money to be made in ways unavailable to the rest of the people, and that's not fair...or it is fair, until we decide as a people, that we want transparency within our governments and our big businesses.

To understand how it operates further, let’s understand the culture. If you are a part of this secretive group, you are not only benefiting from it, you are in on it, and therefore an accomplice before the act, meaning: "you can't snitch, because you've been getting rich with the rest of us…and if you tell, you’ll go down with the rest of us as well.”

The difficulty for the lay people of Earth is obtaining transparency from a group of elitists who don't want to get caught, and are accruing wealth thru unethical and often immoral means.

How do we stop this culture?
We ask, “who is willing to come forward and be the whistle blower of all whistle blowers?”
Someone in The Status Quo will answer.
Who’s first?

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Open Letter to the US Government

Open Letter the US Government

February 3, 2011

People of the US Government,

It has come to our attention that some of you (not all) have been cheating, lying, stealing and/or murdering other human beings for reasons such as power, money, security and/or fear.

We here at WikiLeaks dare those of you who have witnessed such acts (or have proof) to come forward and submit your testimony and/or evidence to us, so that we may keep a steady check on the people in power who should be held accountable for the state of our government.

We will publish the material online, around the world, so that we Earthlings may be transparent about our governments, learn who are committing these acts and take necessary actions to correct the wrong or unacceptable. Then there will be less room for corruption amongst our governing bodies, and more room for actual idea building that helps unite the Earth.

Today, the world is thirsting for honorable people, as so many in power are proving to be less than desirable. For your actions, you may be considered a traitor by others for a time, but remember, they will only believe that until there are more of you than them. Once you are the majority, the rest will either fall in line with transparency or face the consequences of lying and hiding the truth.

Thank you much for being the best human being you know how to be,
the security of our planet depends upon you,

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Math on our World

Broken down in simple math:

+1 = a person who thinks up positive ideas, creates positive ways of living and makes positive change. Most importantly a '+' means 'add' to the world.

-1 = a person who thinks up negative ideas, destroys positive ways of living and makes negative change. Most importantly a '-' means 'take away'.

0 = a person who thinks nothing, creates nothing and makes no change. Most importantly, a '0' means 'nothing'.

If those three people were trying to live together, the problem would look like this:





0 (in other words, nothing's able to happen and there can be no change based on the way the first two people cancel each out by disagreeing, and the third is least at this point in their life)

Now you do the math:

Where are we today?

How easy is it to be a '0'?

How difficult is it to be a '+1'?

Can people who are '-1' change?

If this was your world, what answer would YOU want?