Saturday, December 20, 2014

The Caveman is Still Here

All of the societal conflicts we are dealing with come down to evolution. We haven't weeded out the caveman yet.

Anytime a human being hurts another intentionally, they're living in the past. They haven't given up a culture of behavior they were raised with and still consider it acceptable, especially if they can get away with it.

Our government has elements of the caveman within it, our military is mostly driven by the caveman mentality "kill or be killed," and some of our police have taken up this same position.
Capitalism has been redefined as amoral, which is what a caveman is.
Even between men and women, the abuse we inflict on each other comes from fear, which is TOTAL CAVEMAN.

How do we evolve together?
(the faster, the better)

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Selling Fear is Big Business

False Evidence Appearing Real
(and still the easiest way to control the masses)

White people are afraid of black people. Black people are afraid of police. Women are afraid of men. Men are afraid of being controlled by women. Americans are afraid of being terrorized. The rest of the world is afraid of being taken over by the USA. Everyone is scared of something...

However you look at it, FEAR is only real if you believe it. The problem is, some people know how to profit from this instinct that we've been evolving away from. It's an easy adrenaline rush, (like watching a horror flick) except TV producers and media moguls have figured out how to incorporate it in every moment of our waking existence.

Do we want that?
How do we see the truth?
What is a WIN-WIN solution for everyone?

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Hand Up, Don't Shoot

It's awkward to see most of the media get it wrong. "Hands Up Don't Shoot" is not about white vs. black. It's a response to people in power (police or otherwise) being able to kill the rest of us with no punishment.

When you, as a civilian, realize there is a certain percentage of Americans who can kill you with impunity...that's like culture shock.

What if they get it wrong?
(check the statistics on capital punishment,
how many innocent people die?)

for real man, like put the gun down and let's talk
it's not fair for you to have that kind of right, if I do not

Friday, November 21, 2014

Conspiracy to Mislead the Public: Michael Brown and Darren Wilson Photos Have Been Altered



Several whistleblowers have come forward to expose massive collusion between Police, TV media and the Federal government. They have proof that all photos and video alleging to contain footage of Michael Brown and Darren Wilson were not of Brown or Wilson. They were actors paid to simulate the killing of Brown. The government and police believed there would be massive unrest if their identities were made public. Local and state Police working with the Federal government were also aided and abetted by FOX, CBS, NBC and ABC. They all agreed to air segments and photos of what they considered "safe" for public consumption, to keep any unrest from occurring.

Here for the first time, are their true identities:

Michael Brown, age 18
June 2014, Ladue, MO

Darren Wilson, age 28
May 2013, Olivette, MO

These and other photos (and video) were withheld from public view, as to keep the populace from committing crimes of violence. "Herd mentality" was cited as dangerous enough to justify "recreations" of the persons involved. Michael Brown actually lived in Ladue and was shot and killed at the McDonald's at Olive and Dielman road. Seven eyewitnesses went on record that Wilson was the aggressor, and six eyewitnesses claimed Brown attacked Wilson, but those eyewitnesses withheld their names from the public.

Michael Brown with friends, after high school graduation,
May 2014, Ladue, MO

We will continue to update this story. Once again, several whistleblowers have come forward to expose massive collusion between Police, TV media and the Federal government to confuse the public about the identities of Brown and Wilson.

Will public opinion change now that it turns out Michael Brown was a white teenager from Ladue and Darren Wilson is an African-American policeman on paid-leave from Olivette?

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

The People Have Issued an Update: Democracy ver. 2.0

The current situation in St. Louis shows the country and the world how dysfunctional the local, state and federal government is with US. There is a lack of accountability with our leaders and an inability to be open and honest about their motives. It seems acceptable to respect everyone's personal lives, but if we are electing them to do the right thing for ALL of us, it seems acceptable they need to be transparent about ALL their governing.

Government exists for the protection of The People, that's US. When government exists for the people with the most money, that's fascism, a bribe-based system of paying the most to get what they want, even if 99% of the rest of US don't want it to work like that.

We, as a People, deem fascism as inappropriate and illegitimate power, and our government is only as legitimate as its actions, therefore, if our government persists with fascist actions, OUR GOVERNMENT IS NO LONGER LEGITIMATE until we correct it. Some governments call that treason, but it is no longer treason once said government has been proven illegitimate. When whistleblowers are federally prosecuted, and murderers, thieves and those loyal to them are granted immunity, it means those willing to tell the truth about the illegitimate actions are punished for proving the government's illegitimacy.

Like any system, we just need an update. It's time for Democracy ver. 2.0, where we get to craft our government with WIN-WIN solutions and laws instead of the current litigious system of, "if I win, you lose." The government must understand how to EMPATHIZE with the rest of US (and the world), or what's the point of agreeing to be governed by it?

#EmpathyIsKey #WinWinSolutionsStopWorldWars #SelfGovernance

Thursday, November 6, 2014

The JFK Conference in Dallas, November 22-24, 2014

This year's JFK conference in Texas will be the most in-depth collection of witnesses, evidence and testimony America has ever seen. For three days, speakers will lecture at the Sheraton Hotel in Arlington. The list is incredible (below) to any who treasure the factual history of the United States that has been hidden from official history books.

Can you imagine how paranoid the men who killed Kennedy are? They must have been riding high at the time, but to spend the rest of their lives keeping the secret safe, monitoring millions of people and killing those who know too much and sometimes those who know just a little...that's insane. It also justifies murder with the excuse of self preservation aka "if you're not with us, you're against us." Obi Wan said, "Only the Sith deal in absolutes." Dick Cheney called it utilitarianism, "the ends justifies the means." To me, it's immoral. I want our government to be civil and respectful to all, or they shouldn't be recognized as our government.

I don't care to have them hanged, I want to give anyone involved amnesty for transparency: if you come forward and report the facts and those involved, you should get immunity (like South Africa did to their government after Nelson Mandella was freed and elected president). I want to know the truth, so our country can decide how we want to govern ourselves from now on.

NOVEMBER 22, 2014
SHERATON ARLINGTON HOTEL – 1500 Convention Center Dr., Arlington, TX
Phone:(817) 261-8200


LINDA MINOR: “Lee H. Oswald and Ruth Paine: The Big Picture”

RICHARD BARTHOLOMEW: “Conflicts in Official Accounts of the Cardboard Carton Fingerprints”

ROGER STONE: “Why LBJ Was the Lynchpin For the Kennedy Assassination”

DR. CYRIL WECHT: “TBA” (via Skype)

GEORGE BUTLER: “John F. Kennedy’s Dream For America – Our Mission” LIVE FEED FROM DEALEY PLAZA


GEORGE BUTLER: “Commentary from The Grassy Knoll”


JOHN B. WELLS: 21 Gun Salute




JUDYTH VARY BAKER: “David Ferrie — Mafia Pilot”

DINNER HOMER HENDERSON PERFORMS: “Lee Harvey Was a Friend of Mine”


TOSH PLUMLEE: “CIA Contract Pilot and Witness – Present in Dealey Plaza When JFK Was Shot”


JOHN BARBOUR: “Jim Garrison: The Assassination’s Most Important and Most Suppressed Voice!”


WYNNE JOHNSON: New Witness of the Veciana-Phillips-Oswald meeting in Dallas

BOOK SIGNING at Author’s Tables

NOVEMBER 23, 2014
SHERATON ARLINGTON HOTEL – 1500 Convention Center Dr., Arlington, TX

JOHN B. WELLS, Master of Ceremonies “Opening Address”

WARREN COMMISSION & KENNEDY ASSASSINATION PANEL: John B. Wells, Panel Chair – Panel Members include – Jerome Corsi, Robert Groden, Vince Palamara, Gary Severson, Casey Quinlan




JOHN B. WELLS, MC Opens Afternoon Session

GARY SEVERSON: “Previous Assassination Attempts on President Kennedy”

TIM NICHOLSON: “Analyzing the Head Shot in The Zapruder Film”

DR. JAMES FETZER: “The JFK Motorcade, the Shots, and the Assassination”

THE MOTORCADE, THE SHOTS, THE ASSASSINATION PANEL: Dr. James Fetzer, Panel Chair – Panel Members include – Dr. James Fetzer, Gary King, Tim Nicholson, Larry Rivera

RICHARD CHARNIN: “Statistics and Convenient Deaths”

SPEAKER: “The Tippit Plaque Controversy”



JUDYTH VARY BAKER: “The Kennedy Assassination, Biological Weapons, and Cancer as a Biological Weapon”

HON. CYNTHIA McKINNEY: “Hugo Chavez, His Cancer, and Cancer in Latin American Leaders” (Skype from Bangladesh)


VINCE PALAMARA: “The Failures of the Secret Service”

BOOK SIGNING at Author’s Tables

NOVEMBER 24, 2014
SHERATON ARLINGTON HOTEL – 1500 Convention Center Dr., Arlington, TX

GEORGE BUTLER: “Opening Address, Day 3″

DOUG HORNE: “Part One” (Via SKYPE)

JUDYTH VARY BAKER: “The Tippit Murder”







DOUG HORNE: “Part Two” (Via SKYPE)

Gathering of Flowers and Messages to Place On Lee Oswald’s Grave




Thursday, October 2, 2014

The CIA Learned from Anonymous

ISIS is the US military's version of Anonymous

Instead of a Guy Fawkes mask,

they wear black rags,

This provides them an easier image to promote to the media. Since photos are useless for identifying anyone, nobody ever finds out who they are or who actually dies. Statistics and names can be completely scripted. They have achieved ultimate unaccountability. They consider this genius, utilitarian, amoral strategy...unless you have morals, then you might consider this immoral and treasonous. It certainly works for keeping tax dollars flowing their way for "defense."

The US military industrial complex also supplies ISIS with weapons, double agents and cash. Weird right?

‪#‎FearMongering‬ ‪#‎SOP‬ ‪#‎PsyOps‬ ‪#‎PerpetualWar1984‬

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Why Does the Mainstream Media Distort and Withhold the Truth?

Last year was the 60th anniversary of John F. Kennedy's death. A month later the Federal Reserve (who helped fund and cover up his murder) celebrated the 100th year of their birth. Some might call that #StatusQuoRules. Others believe official narratives like the Warren Report, but clearly it's either because they haven't researched it (or read it) or they are in on it, and only stick to orders.

The question then is: how many government employees, CIA/FBI agents and police involved in the cover up of JFK's murder actually know they were engaged in a coup d'etat?
(then or now)

As this anniversary came and went, little media attention was paid to it and even less media allowed history buffs on the subject, with evidence and testimony to assert their case. They were often ridiculed and talked over by the pundits. It's odd to see journalists behave this way, when their job is to hear all sides on the subject. This article is worth reading on how the military industrial complex learned they could use US media to control much of what the population believes.

...the cover-up of the Kennedy assassination could never have succeeded without Mockingbird. According to the Church Committee, CIA used circa 40 percent of its budget to finance Operation Mockingbird, which is another telling sign of how important the program was and possibly still is. We, the research community, can see the patterns, but the public cannot. The public must understand Mockingbird and what it is...and how the Press and Media have helped to hide the truth for over 50 years.
-by Staffan H. Westerberg & Pete Engwall

Operation Mockingbird:
How Democracy was manipulated
through the mainstream Media

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Gaza Options

A normal polarizing conversation on Gaza

A: Stop killing Palestinians
B: They are hiding Hamas who attacked Israel
A: So find Hamas, and quit blaming civilians
B: Hamas is using the civilians as human shields, there will be collateral damage.
A: What should peace-loving Palestinians do then?
B: They should just leave if they want to stay alive.

Win goes to B: killing women and children is justified, they should just leave and let Israel take the rest of Palestine. The USA did the same to the Indians, and it worked. Why should Israel do differently?

Well what if...

Monday, July 14, 2014

MOD LEVEL (free download)

Abuse of power, comes as no surprise.
Elite greed rises, before your eyes.
They hoard wealth, their kids survive,
leaving less for the rest barely getting by.

That makes hate happen.
Revolution comes, a natural reaction.
Some get popular for rapping,
but death tolls for anti-status quo factions.

It's appropriate to be disgusted.
Rule by the few doesn't cut the mustard.
Most want more, so they don't begrudge 'em,
and hose who want war, keep our growth stunted.

Murder has a sexy side,
quick with a knife or slow like pesticide.
Your family is living on borrowed time.
Private property created crime.

The land belongs to nobody.
Those with low I.Q. should breed with no body.
Romance was made to control mommy.
Is abortion wrong? Mind your own body.

Selfishness is basic instinct.
Only way to evolve is be in sync,
with all, moderation's not a mystery.
Know the past, or repeat your history.

Don't believe the hype.
Torture is barbaric, it's not a right.
Technology will make life or break life,
and those who don't work are parasites.

This was figured out before you were born.
The strong rule the weak, it's the norm.
Power's like porn,
and government's full of addicts who want more.


Jenny Holzer's the author.
You don't hear wisdom like this that often.


Her logic is awesome.
You don't hear boss shit flipped this flawless


Kanye honors.
If you don't get it, you are part of the problem.


Control the information,
patrol the conversation,
withhold the dirt we're chasing,
just to keep your rank and station.


Written by Jenny Holzer.
Produced by Kanye West.
Adaptation by J-Toth from Hoth

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Next Election, Vote *SELF-GOVERNANCE

Let's still go to the polls, but instead of checking boxes for candidates who don't really represent us, write across the top of the form:


We will create a new law using the actual voting form. If enough of us do it, they MUST recognize this new interpretation of law: we opt out of being governed by people who don't represent us appropriately. We would rather be civil toward each other and respect all, then there is no need for the current form of government.

I choose to self-govern myself with a combination of the golden rule and the bill of rights. We will all live respectfully together, no more wars, no more poverty, no more bastardization of law, just WIN-WIN solutions. Instead of conflict, we can get back to enjoying our lives and partying together.


Saturday, June 21, 2014

What are Crisis Actors?

Crisis Actors: citizens hired to pretend they are in a life-threatening situation usually by terrorists or a lone gunmen, and each are given different "roles" to play like hero, victim, traumatized witness, parent who lost a child, etc...and they get paid. This is according to firms who specialize in hiring these people for exercises and training.

So, what would a contract look like for this kind of acting?
"Due to National Security, you may never talk to anyone about your contract."

Crisis actors were hired for such false flag operations as "Aurora," "Sandy Hook" and "Boston Marathon bombing." They would've been called "drills," and actors would've been shown where to be at what time and then BOOM! Something happens, bomb, shooting, etc. but while they've been told it's a drill, suddenly it's REAL. The media says it's real, people on the scene are telling you it's real, and for all you know, suddenly it's REAL. Maybe the terrorists infiltrated the training exercise, maybe the government knew it was gonna happen, and warned people it was a drill to make them aware, but whatever the case, WHAT DO THEY KNOW?

Then, there are those IN THE KNOW. "Parents" asked to be interviewed on the "loss" like the Parkers from Sandy Hook (who were crisis actors), "injured" victims like Jeff Bauman in Boston (who in pictures show his legs blown off, but no actual blood coming from them), "heros" like Gene Rosen (who claimed he helped console the kids of Sandy Hook after the shooting, but was caught being coached on tape how to seem more authentic.)

Must be odd to be them.
(Check the pics at the end of the site below...)

Thursday, May 1, 2014

#NewJFKfacts #CIAwasInvolved

John Rademacher is a lawn services specialist from Granbury, Texas. In 1987 while in Dallas, he and his stepson found a .222 casing near the stockade fence of Dealey Plaza (on the grassy knoll.) It was buried a few inches down in the ground, then he found another .222 casing over on the opposite side of the pergola.

Who shot the bullets that left those shells?

1. James Files, Army/CIA/mob sniper testified that he fired the head shot from behind the stockade fence, put the gun in a case, reversed his jacket and walked away.
2. Roscoe White, CIA sniper who's diary found by his son claimed he took a shot from the other side of the fence then posed as a Dallas policeman when people rushed the knoll.


1. Gordon Arnold (army rescruit) was filming JFK to Zapruder's right (in front of White, next to the pergola) right when he heard a bullet go over is ear, then a policeman assaulted him and stole his film.
2. Ed Hoffman (deaf/mute) was watching the president from the bridge (behind the stockade fence) when he saw a puff of smoke on the grassy knoll, then a man in a plain jacket threw a rifle to a man in a checkered jacket, and he packed it into a case, walking away calmly.

Based on the movie "Executive Decision" (1973), I believe the CIA invested in at least two teams: Team A and Team B, where Team A has the "go" to shoot and Team B is used just in case (likely not to shoot). In this case:

1. Team A (based on Ricky White testimony and "tramps" photo) from the Records building;
Chuck Rogers, shooter
Charles Harrelson, assist man
Roscoe White, back-up gun, (on knoll, in case of no head shot)
2. Team B (based on James Files testimony and teeth indentations on the shell near the fence) from the Dal-Tex building;
Charles Nicoletti, shooter
Johnny Roselli, assist man
James Files, back-up gun, (on knoll, in case of no head shot)

Before "The Big Event," Johnny Roselli told Charles Nicoletti that the CIA called off the assassination. This leads me to believe they would be the B Team (just in case), although in this case, Nicoletti ignored the order and shot anyways. I suspect Team A had the right of way, because those shooters were directly affiliated with the CIA, whereas Team B was mostly more mob (although CIA affiliated thru David Atlee Phillips).

The testimonies of Arnold and Hoffman, corroborate the testimonies of Files and White and therefore prove the presence of those shooters.

Too bad the mainstream media will never investigate that for the rest of us.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Chapter 44 (ver. 5.0)

The president awoke drenched in sweat. He checked his arms for needle marks and found none. That couldn’t have been a dream he thought, but then, what the hell was it? Whatever it was, it was scary.

“You ok, baby?” asked the first lady.

“No love,” he replied. “I had awful dreams last night…if they were dreams.”

The first lady put a finger to her mouth and furrowed her brow. Not here. She didn’t miss a beat. “I’d imagine the leader of the free world might have some impressive nightmares, but don’t worry baby, dreams are just dreams.”

He narrowed his eyes on her. Paranoia invaded his heart. You too?

Her eyes widened in surprise. No! She grabbed him tightly and held on until his muscles relaxed. “I’m on your side,” she reminded him. “Trust yourself.”

He lowered his eyes and laughed. “Man…thanks love.” As he got ready for the day, he had one thing on his mind: a private phone call. Last night was too intense to be a coincidence, and he’d been reading up a whistle blower named Karen Hudes from the World Bank, who was spilling beans of the wildest variety. The question was, how does the President of the USA make a private call? Then again, after last night…fuck protocol.

He looked her up online. Her phone number was listed on her website.

The phone rang. “Hello?”

“Karen? This is the President of the United States. May I have a word with you?” He got nothing for a few seconds. “Hello?

“Is this a joke?” Karen asked.

“No ma’am, it’s really me. I was inspired to call you. I had a dream last night, that I was interrogated and drugged, but I can’t be sure it was a dream. I just wanted to pick your brain to find out what you could tell me about that.”

Karen hesitated. “This isn’t a joke? Between your advisers, and staff and…anyone within the continental USA, you want my advice?”

The President thought for a moment. “Ma’am, I have all those people available, but they don’t seem to be able to relay the kind of information I’m looking for. Based on what I’ve read about you, I’d be interested in your opinion on some things.” He told her about his vivid conversations with other whistle blowers, and what seemed like hours or maybe days inside that room.

“You didn’t find any needle marks?” she asked.


“When you were inaugurated, did they inject you with anything or immunize you?”

“Sure,” the president said. “I was required by law to receive a chip in my arm…you know, ‘national security,’ in case I was ever abducted.”

“Or so they can always know where you are,” she suggested.

“Well, yes.”

“Did they ever put you out for any reason, you know, with anesthesia?”

“Ah…well…yes,” the president said slowly.

“Why?” she asked.

“They said they could run a bunch of tests all at once, if they put me out for a bit.”

“Hmmm…well, I assume you want to hear conspiracy theory?

“Hit me with your best shot.”

“My guess,” Karen began, “is that they put a dream chip in your skull somewhere.”

“A ‘dream chip’?” he asked.

“The technology has been available to create or instigate dreams in humans and even broadcast brainwaves back to monitors, but there’s been a lot of speculation lately that they figured out how to view the dreams outside the brain. Others could actually be watching your dream as you have it.”

“Like who?”

“Who do you think Mr. President?” she continued. “The same people who made that Malaysian flight disappear.”

The President felt a chill. “How would they have done it?”

“They most likely took the plane by remote control, thinned down the oxygen inside the cabin to knock out the passengers and flew it to US base Diego Garcia below India. If you check the flight path, it was heading west right toward the island when it disappeared from radar. There were twenty Chinese scientists aboard working for Freescale, a company that makes cutting edge technology specifically for new-age military tactics. The Carlyle Group and Halliburton bought 20% of that company back in 2006 and five of those scientists on board also own percentages of Freescale. You see where this is going?”

“National security,” the President said.

“Right,” she replied. “and what’s really evil to me, is the NSA knows where they are, but they’re keeping quiet. The CIA also knows, because those scientists were ‘persons of interest’ whom the agency would never let out of their sight. Likewise the military would know, as it’s their island, and the media is telling people to look anywhere but where the plane is, so we have this ugly group of Americans lying to the rest of the world and ruining the lives of 227 people, just so the power mongers can get more power. I’m sick of it sir. It’s inhuman, un-American and just plain rotten.”

“I hear you,” said the President.

“Now the question is,” she stammered, “what are you going to do about it?”

Saturday, March 22, 2014

The Upcoming US Stock Market Crash... so... who will they blame this time?

Yesterday (Friday, March 21, 2014) NPR reported (@25:07) that the new FED chair, Janet Yellen said (when asked if the FED would raise interest rates):
"Maybe in six months and the markets tank."

Pundits on the Diane Rehm show called it a "gaffe."
I thought WHOA, she just spilled the beans.

If you look at the market right now, the bubble is about to burst again. Regardless of what they blame it on, historically, when US markets crash, it's because:

1. the big families agree (in secret) to pull all of their shares out at the same time (buying at the highest point in the bubble)
2. the market dips and other traders/investors freak out and try to sell theirs (dropping the value more)
3. within hours, the market crashes and the families buy it all back when it hits the bottom (within a day, they can sell a stock at $100, watch it drop to $10 and buy it back, making out with an amazing profit)

Only problem is, it's illegal.

Be careful.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Let's Party

To all my Military brothers and sisters, remember that you are our brothers and sisters. If you are ever ordered to injure or kill any of our brothers and sisters, you can refuse, and we will love you more.

To all my CIA brothers and sisters, remember that you are our brothers and sisters. If you are ever ordered to injure or kill any of our brothers and sisters, you can refuse, and we will love you more.

To all my FBI brothers and sisters, remember that you are our brothers and sisters. If you are ever ordered to injure or kill any of our brothers and sisters, you can refuse, and we will love you more.

To all my Police brothers and sisters, remember that you are our brothers and sisters. If you are ever ordered to injure or kill any of our brothers and sisters, you can refuse, and we will love you more.

Let's be friends.

Fucking right.

Let's Party.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Chapter 44 (ver. 4.0)

[State of the Union Address, January 28, 2014]
"My fellow Americans. I took this job, because I thought transparency and change was the way to go. I wanted protection for whistle-blowers and people who do the right thing. I still believe in my heart that we are all inter-connected by good and loving energy, even though our government looks so dysfunctional right now. I would ask all Americans to remember, we’re all in this together. I only have two years left, and it doesn’t feel like my job is done yet. To get the change we want, we must be able to empathize with each other, and that includes me and my fellow politicians in order for us to get a better understanding of where we are, where we came from and where we are going.

"First and foremost, where are we? We are the USA, the land of opportunity, flexibility, charity and ingenuity. A place to seek freedom from religious persecution, racial discrimination and sexual exploitation. The unified belief that we can, are and will work with each other every day to make a harmonious nation for ourselves and our families. This is where we are. This is the norm. This is what it is to be an American.

"But what does the tv tell us? Our government is only interested in lining their pockets with special interest money that buys the laws, the military just wants to kill and take over for oil companies who don’t clean the land they pollute, our banks are greedy and care nothing about the People they serve. Is that the whole truth? No, of course not, but it’s close enough that something’s got to change.

"But what if those People at the top don’t care? What if they aren’t interested in what you think? What if they just want more money and more power and more influence over you? You know how they are going to get it? By telling you how to feel on tv. By telling you what to think on tv. By telling you what to do, what to wear and what to buy on tv…and that costs money. Good thing for them, they have a lot of it…but so do you.

"I’ll tell you some more truth. The current interpretation of the Constitution suggests that our laws can be bought. That is now the law, so if you want to change the law, you have to pool your resources to do so. As your president, I am in favor of changing laws for the better when enough of the public demands it, but that means it is up to you to work together, to pool your funds, to insure our laws are just and according to the will of the People.

"And you must be passionate. You’re up against big competition…big business, which is owned by big government, which is owned by big banks, which are owned and backed by the old gold of the Catholic Church. Now, these are all good people, but they are used to getting what they want, and they are willing to do what it takes. If you want control of your government, you must control the dialogue, outside and within yourselves. This isn’t a war. There is no 'us vs. them.' There are no 'bad guys vs. good guys.' In order to win, others don’t have to lose. 'We shall overcome' implies ALL of us, not just some. A win-win solution is possible, and that comes from within you, within me and within WE. Empathy is the key. Look at each other, know each other, your lives are attending the same party.

"Divisions based on wealth, race, sex or religion are all sidetracks. This planet is for the People, by the People…ALL the People. It’s up to us to be US, and when the world realizes it’s 'just us,' then there will be 'justice.'

"Let’s love each other."

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Chapter 44 (ver. 3.0)

“You know they’re going to do the same to me, and worse…if they catch me.”

The President looked up, his eyes bloodshot. It was Assange.

“Well looky who’s here! Glad fucking Christmas old boy. How’s Ecuador treating you my cheerio chap?”

“The territory of Ecuador in London is still cramped as ever, but I’ll admit, I’m doing better than you Mr. President.” Assange looked amused. “How is the American dream?”

“It would be better with a cigarette,” he responded. “Got any?”

“I don’t smoke,” Assange shrugged. “I’d give you one if I had it though. You look haggard.”

“Thanks asshole.” The President was not himself. “Pardon my nicotine fiend, but it’s hard to keep my filter in place when I haven’t had my fix.”

“I understand sir.” Assange leaned against the door frame. He was still tall as ever, maybe more gaunt now. His beard made him look like an old man. “No one has caught you on film yet with a Marlboro between your fingers, eh?”

“Knock on wood!” The President banged his head against the metal chair. “I’m already a murderer of Muslim women and children, I wouldn’t want to assist in the tobacco industry’s jihad on ignorant Americans.” His eyes bulged wide with frustration. “Did you get a chance to say ‘hi’ to Manning on his way out?”

Assange just looked at him. “I heard a wild rumor about your death.”

“Be a dear, and put it atop the pile. The camel can take it.”

“I was told some White Supremacist groups are scheming with some of your political enemies to off you publicly,” Assange continued. “They’re scared of your influence, but they’re willing to wheel-and-deal with your martyrdom. You still make them veeery nervous. They seem to believe you’re an undercover agent working with the People against the status quo to bring a liberal agenda to innocent, white children everywhere.”

“So preposterous…such paranoia…and sooo predicable!” The President mimicked Assange’s accent. “How am I doing? I noticed you traded much of your Aussie swagger for some stiff, upper-lipped Brit. Didn’t want to look and sound like Crocodile Dundee, I guess?”

“If they get an angry mob to publicly assault you, they’re thinking much of the public might empathize, and maybe even partake…you being the cause of all their troubles, of course.”

“Of course I am,” replied the President sarcastically. “It’s all my fault.”

“You’ve angered much of the intelligence community by attempting to be the ‘most transparent administration in history.’ You didn’t think that would come back to bite you in the arse?”

“Hah!” laughed the President. “This IS the most transparent administration in history. Remember Rumsfeld?” His fingers made air quotes beneath the restraints. “‘We know the knowns, but we don’t know the unknowns…blah, blah blah?’ I’m giving the public the ‘unknowns’ on a platter! They’re just mad because they know there’s more we’re not telling them, and now they want to know it all. Let the intelligence community deal with it. They’ve been spoiled children for too long.”

Assange smirked. “I admire your spunk. Just be careful about doing any public speeches in the South. The conservative pundits are stirring up more dissent than ever.”

“Well, they should!” the President cut loose. “The South is full of good people and really, really, REALLY rotten politicians who play on the fears of their grandparents, making them look like stereotypes. I’m gonna ‘take away their guns’ and ‘force their kids listen to rap’ and ‘put a Mosque in every city’ and ‘make their daughters get abortions.’ It’s all crap! If they tar-and-feathered some of their own, the mainstream media might get back to doing their job.”

“Well, if we remember our history, there are many in the upper echelon who would happily cover up your murder to get things back to ‘normal.’ This mob scenario would most certainly be made up of conspirators willing to go to jail for the cause…you being the root of their concern.”

“I know, ‘blame it on the black guy.’ It’s all soooooooooooo boring…yet soooooooooooo easy!” The president continued, “you know, the irony here is, they don’t believe in evolution, and as long as they are in power, we won’t evolve. Genius!”

“Don’t start doubting yourself now sir,” said Assange. “I believe the silent majority would be traumatized if you gave up after all this.”

“Oh, I’m just bitching,” admitted the President. “I believe in us, and I don’t intend to give up…as soon as I can get out of this chair. Got any bolt cutters?”