Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Feints and Counter Feints

If you really want an insight on Obama's strategy, check out Saul Alinsky. Although he was labeled as a communist/socialist (and why the GOP loves labeling Obama that) he had great ideas. He wrote the book "Rules for Radicals" and Obama was inspired by it.

One of the main tenants is: There is no more "fight the power". That gets you killed. Nowadays you work with the power, embrace both sides, promote each side and let the People decide which one is better. Why do you think the GOP looks so particularly toxic right now?

I would bet that the laws (like NDAA) and actions he's taken (like war or bank bailouts) that most of us don't like, were mostly proposed by the right wing. How did we defeat SOPA/PIPA? Because we are now angry enough that the People are more organized than we ever have been.

When a single person attempts all the change, they get popular and they become a target. If he were to have run up the US government like JFK, he would've gotten assassinated quicker than JFK. He's pulling cards by showing their cards. It's up to US to veto the bullshit, so let's get on it.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Vanity Acts: use the abuser's name to make better laws

What if the People enacted new laws based on the abuser's name so history could remember why they were necessary?

The Bill O'Reilly Act: any corporation sponsoring "news" must be factual and held legally accountable (for libel, slander or defamation of character), otherwise they must use the term "entertainment".

The FOX NEWS Act: any media found to be peddling fear mongering while calling it "news" will be barred from TV.

The Karl Rove Act: all government officials may no longer be protected by the term "diplomatic immunity".

The Dick Cheney Act: torture is NEVER acceptable, and you WILL be held accountable.

The George W. Act: nepotism is no longer legal.

The Reagan Act: any president who "can't recall" illegal orders they gave while in office will be impeached.

The GOP Act: political parties are now illegal due to the wasting of tax payer time and money. WIN-WIN solutions for the entire country is to be the only agenda for anyone entering politics.

The Rockefeller Act: FDIC banks may no longer play with customer money or they will be forced to give all their personal wealth to charity.

The Stock Exchange Act: brokers must be transparent about ALL their dealings and knowledge of the market with customers and regulators.

The Jack Abramoff Act: Government officials may not be paid for influence. Once in politics, government salary can be the only source of income.

The US Military/Police Act: soldiers/policemen may no longer kill people.

The CIA Act: You are accountable for ALL of your actions to the citizens of the United States.

The FEMA act: you will use ALL your funding to HELP Americans in need.

The Citizens United Act REMIX: Corporations are NOT People, and ALL campaign finance must be transparent and accounted for.

The JFK Act: Any fact finding and evidence collecting for presidential assassinations will be handled by NO ONE IN THE GOVERNMENT.

The 9-11 Act: see instructions on the JFK Act and apply it to acts of war.

The BP Oil Spill Act: If you spill oil, your company will be divided up and auctioned off to the remaining responsible oil corporations.

The Monsanto Act: ALL GMO's must be declared in EVERY food group. The public has a right know what it's consuming.

The McDonald's Act: ALL ingredients, suppliers and pictures of the actual animals slaughtered must be listed on the product.

The J.E. Hoover Act: ALL actual history of US military complex activity in existence will be released to the public for posterity sake.

The DNA Act: any "criminal" found to be innocent thru DNA evidence, will be compensated for lost time and wages by their accusers.

The Big Pharma Act: Before you sell any medicine, you must inform the consumer that diet and exercise will do more than a pill.

The FDA Act: the five food groups will be replaced by this statement: organic, live food is good for you and anything with preservatives is not.

The Bad Cop Act: any officer convicted of abusing the law will be imprisoned for the sentence of whomever he victimized.

The Iran/Iraq Act: any country found to be manipulating facts about WMD's or the threat of smaller countries will have their military taken away.

The Abortion Act: any US citizen who doesn't think abortion is moral shall not have one.

The US Law Act: Money may no longer shape the law. All lawyers will work pro bono and mediation will be suggested.

The Fast Food Act: all fast food must have warning labels like tobacco products, "this is bad for your heath."

The Ball bearing industry/Marijuana Act: Anyone ever tampering with mankind's right to develop the most useful plant on God's green Earth will be tarred and feathered and displayed publicly.

Monday, January 2, 2012

2012 Dream Journal, Entry #1:

After conversations with friends, a rereading of some Carlos Castaneda and a particularly good documentary called "The Pyramid Code," (concerning the energy change happening) my soulmate Robin and I decided to be sober for the year and more aware of our waking and dream states...boy was I hit quick the first night.

I became lucid flying over a desert. An inner narrator commented on 4-wheelers bounding in and out of sand dunes. Some were riding carefully and some were careless and injuring themselves. Then it hit me...I'm flying. I looked back over some mountains I had already passed and then at the desert below me. It was amazing. My thoughts drifted to my soulmate, because I was beyond psyched that I could get so clear in my dream state after such a long break. I was soon approaching lush, green hills that I assumed was Colorado or California. Just to be sure I was still dreaming, I risked a glance back at our bed and sure enough, we were still there. "WOW," I thought, "I'm transitioning between states without a problem."

I became aware of how easy it was to fly (which I have done many times), but I was wasn't sure how I would land. I descended gracefully onto the grassy hillside and walked, examining my surroundings. I kept considering how to bring this reality to my waking life. How could I connect the dream state with the waking state and make it stick? I wanted to phone Robin and let her know I flew across the country (sans a vehicle), and was right now hundreds of miles away. Inside the store, I reminded myself not to stare too hard at anything, because often the dream will dissolve right in front of you, if examined too closely...not the case this time. I saw the shelves, food, items for sale and almost bumped into a black woman and her child.

"I just flew here in my dream," I mention off hand, "and you are part of it."
"I'm in your dream?" she asked, "Am I not real?"
"Of course you are real," I say, "and your own person, but I've never met you, and right now you are in my dream."

She laughed and led me into a room with people I knew. There was Edwin, a kid I remember from camp who changed his name to Peter, a guy who said he was an ex-boyfriend of DJ Who, and then I wound up in a garage with some of my better friends, Nato Caliph, Benjamin Gandhi-Shepard, and Jabari Robinson. I walked straight up to Nato and told him how I got here. He looked freaked out and said I was crazy. I approached Ben and began telling him what happened, and that's when Robin's alarm clock went off.

Oh well, until next time...