Wednesday, December 16, 2015

The Future Now (oh yes they did) NEW VIDEO

The Future Now (oh yes they did) - Jonathan Toth from Hoth from Lincoln James on Vimeo.

The Meglos finally did it,
their plots and plans,
turned politics into a business,
that only their close friends and family ran.

Law was no longer sought,
as a means for proving the truth,
verdicts were now bought,
by a handful of rich dudes.

The Ceez we were told,
knew the most about creating wealth,
but these CEOs,
didn’t mind destroying everybody else,

as long as profits were made,
and their boots retained loyalty,
but everyone was for sale,
so they were the best paid employees.

The Help covered up indiscretions,
sex scandals and wars,
drug running, fixed elections, and
experimenting on our fellow life forms.

Why not? They had the right.
They were the right, we were just civils,
We couldn’t stomach conflict or fights,
or protests or all night vigils.

Live and let live dudes,
we just wanted to do our thing,
but they did too,
except as kings and queens.

So eventually we let them,
how bad could that be?
Taxes pay for our protection,
trolling the world makes ‘em happy.

from Death of the Empire by J-Toth from Hoth,

[rebel data disc available at Star Wars premieres in
Europe, Canada and most major cities in the USA]

Tuesday, September 29, 2015


Right now, the status quo is thinking up strategies of how to discredit Bernie Sanders as a candidate for US President. Big money has sided with Hillary Clinton and any number of the GOP.

Since all news seen on tv is bought and paid for by Operation Mockingbird, the next smear campaign you hear against Bernie Sanders will be coming soon... from the left AND the right.


Sunday, September 13, 2015

Happy Anniversary to the 9/11 Conspirators Who are Still at Large

Fourteen years ago, the Bush administration with support from Mossad agents involved in "wet ops" helped fool the American people into believing Muslims based out of a cave in Afghanistan destroyed the World Trade Center (three buildings with two planes) and a side of the Pentagon. Instead of issuing the order to shoot the planes, Dick Cheney told NORAD to stand down, allowing three of the four planes to hit their targets.

Why? The real question is: who benefits?

1. The Patriot Act was issued not long after. This gave (and still gives) the US military industrial complex nearly unlimited money for weapons and surveillance.
2. The Bush administration ignored Osama Bin Laden (their patsy) and instead chose to invade Iraq for oil. All contracts were given to Haliburton (Cheney's company).
3. The TSA was established to prevent terrorist attacks. This group has caught no terrorists in thirteen years, but has been caught stealing, abusing and even raping civilian flyers (while getting paid).
4. The government of Israel got their straw man argument fulfilled by showing how Muslims are terrorists (even though Muslims had nothing to do with it), and have been using 9/11 as yet another reason for genocide against any Muslims (i.e. Palestine).

This is only a fraction of the truth, but US government still hides it.
Weird, right? If you'd like any insider information on our country's actual history, please watch these documentaries:

The whodunnit:
"9/11 False Flag Conspiracy - Finally Solved (Names, Connections, Motives)"

The evidence:
"911 In Plane Site Directors Cut"

The history behind it:
"Ring of Power"

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Obama's Final Speech as President

...the real truth is, I can't change anything, and I'm sorry for promising I could. The establishment has me compromised. My family lives in their house, my past lives in their database, my body has been tagged by their technology and my power has been curbed by their blackmail. I am a figurehead. But now that I am leaving office, I can tell you some other truth:

They killed Abe Lincoln (US president)
because he tried to stop them.

They killed Malcolm X (human rights activist)
because he tried to stop them.

They killed John F. Kennedy (US president)
because he tried to stop them.

They killed Lee Harvey Oswald (CIA asset)
because he tried to stop them.

They killed Martin Luther King (civil rights activist)
because he tried to stop them.

They killed Bobby Kennedy (US politician)
because he tried to stop them.

They killed Huey Newton (Black Panther)
because he tried to stop them.

They killed John Lennon (musician)
because he tried to stop them.

They killed Lady Diana (British royalty)
because she tried to stop them.

They killed JFK Jr. (son of JFK)
because he tried to stop them.

They killed Bill Cooper (conspiracy theorist)
because he tried to stop them.

They killed Osama Bin Laden (CIA asset)
because he tried to stop them.

They killed Saddam Hussein (leader of Iraq)
because he tried to stop them.

They killed Ted Gunderson (FBI agent)
because he tried to stop them.

They killed Muammar Gaddafi (leader of Libya)
because he tried to stop them.

They killed Phillip Marshall (conspiracy theorist)
because he tried to stop them.

They killed Michael Hastings (journalist)
because he tried to stop them.

They killed Chris Kyle (CIA asset)
because he tried to stop them.

They killed Tom Schweich (Missouri state auditor)
because he tried to stop them.

And that list doesn't include the eyewitnesses they killed because they knew too much.

They haven't killed me because, I tried to work with them and not against them,


It's up to you now.

Good night, and good luck,
President Barack Hussein Obama

Saturday, March 28, 2015

The Skull and Bones vs. The Masons

The disinterest Americans have with their factual history is astounding. The latest research (and some just old and suppressed) has Hitler funded almost entirely by wealthy Americans: The Bushes funneled money to the Nazis from US supporters and the Rothschilds maintained their banking in Europe, Henry Ford gave them tanks and trucks for little return, Cocacola gave them pop for free, Dupont and BASF helped create the gas for killing the Jews. Likewise, the same uber rich who tried a coup to overthrow the US government with Smedley Butler in 1933 (who refused and outed them to FDR, who didn't reprimand them, because it was an election year) were making money off Hitler.

The 1% play both sides in war, and as war profiteers, every American should know who they are. To them, war is just the fastest route to bigger money. Peace (although more profitable in the long run) isn't as financially explosive. The average lives of Americans and the countries we fight don't matter to them.

Obama is the not only the first black president, he's also the first black mason president (the Bushes, Ford, Nixon and many in their Nazi background were all bonesman, while most of the other presidents were masons) and to me that's telling. Since the birth of the USA, the masons have controlled much of the power that was "stolen" from royalty (the background of the Skull and Bones). Ever since, old money has been slithering back into power in America. In my research, masons appear more honorable (although still secretive) as they build and show off their power thru intellect and ingenuity in architecture and technology. The Skull and Bones are existentialists who take power "at whatever the cost." They are true megalomaniacs who use (in Dick Cheney's words) utilitarianism or "the ends justifies the means" to justify ANYTHING. Instead of immoral, they consider themselves amoral or "having nothing to do with morality." To them, having morals is weakness that can be exploited.

Right now, Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu keeps trying to fabricate Iran's military motives in the middle east to justify destroying them, but he's being pushed by war profiteers to make more money. The Rothchilds allowed millions of their own people to die in WWII for money, AND they got a slice in the middle east to create a Jewish state. Zionists are essentially Jewish existentialists who believe the same as the Bonesmen, and they play with words like "antisemitism" to point the finger at anyone who disagrees with the Israeli government, even though the Israeli government is not a true representation of the Israeli people (kind of like America).

The only solution to me is transparent government. To make that happen however, we have to make popular the idea of being open and honest instead of secretive and slimy. It will take someone who is respected (celebrity, politician, veteran, etc.) to announce this and prove it by their actions. My idea was to make this person into a traveling reality tv show, where they always have a camera on them. If politicians never had a moment alone, we would certainly see what their true policy is.

The real question is, how? How do we make our government interesting enough for Americans to want to play a part?

Thursday, March 19, 2015

James Files is Misquoted Again by the Media

In another twist of the media lying to the public about the words of James Files (the "grassy knoll gunman" and killer of JFK) this week's National Examiner just repeated what the Inquisitr and DailyMail did:

[photos by Ken Caron]

In the Newmax TV special on "I killed JFK" (aired 11/20/2014 on Directv channel 349 and Dish channel 223) James Files said
"I never saw Mr. Nicoletti shoot Kennedy, but I know he was the man in the Dal-Tex building that was supposed to be doing the shooting." misquoted him (11/20/2014):
"I never saw Mr. Nicoletti shoot Kennedy, but I know he was the man in the building that was supposed to be doing the shooting."
(they left out Dal-Tex)

Inquisitr misquoted him (11/20/2014):
"I never saw Mr. Nicoletti shoot Kennedy but I know he was the man in the building who was supposed to be doing the shooting."
(they mirrored Newsmax)
"According to Files, it was Nicoletti who was supposed to be in the book depository and not Oswald."

DailyMail misquoted him (11/21/2014):
"I never saw Mr. Nicoletti shoot Kennedy but I know he was the man in the building who was supposed to be doing the shooting."
(they mirrored Newsmax and the Inquisitr)
"He says the other shot that hit Pres. Kennedy came from his boss, Charles 'Chuckie' Nicoletti, who was hiding out in the book depository, the same place Lee Harvey Oswald is believed to have been at the time of the shooting.

The National Examiner is the third media source in a row to misquote the testimony of James Files. He also claims CIA asset Eugene Brading (aka Jim Braden) let Charles Nicoletti and Johnny Roselli into the Dal-Tex building with the intention of securing a room on the 2nd floor to shoot JFK.

I would imagine the owners of the Dal-Tex building wouldn't want that information to go public...

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Chris Kyle Would Not Agree to a False Flag Operation on US Soil

Sniper Chris Kyle was killed because the CIA security group he invented called Craft International (*see TheCraft) was contracted to assist in a "drill" during the Boston Marathon of 2013. Upon receiving orders that his teams were being enlisted to set up bombs and detonate them, he refused.

He was killed two weeks before the Boston Marathon.

Luckily for the public, hacker site 4chan was enlisted to acquire the online surveillance footage of the event, and they found enough evidence to prove the Chechin brothers were just patsies and innocent of any crime:

(at this link click on the photos, and they will enlarge)

To sift thru ALL photographic evidence posted,
go here:

Monday, February 2, 2015

"Anti-vaxxers" (the new conspiracy nuts)

And in the latest of sidetracks:

Brought to you by the same people who invented "The Sony Hack" and "Ebola Outbreak," anything to keep you from looking at the Omnibus spending bill and the trillions of dollars they are dividing amongst themselves. You won't hear about it in the news or on NPR as there were payoffs for them too, so argue amongst yourselves on how important it is to vaccinate the populace (and anyone who won't MUST be crazy and a threat), and you won't care about trillions of your tax dollars written away (legally) in a 2500 page piece of collusion.

It's not personal, it's just business.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

What Modern Day "Conspiracy Theory" Means: We Don't Believe You

When people use the term "conspiracy theory" or "conspiracy theorist" as a means of discrediting others, it's a bit awkward. The person labeling is short-sighted, because in the long run of history, many conspiracy theories turn out to be true.

Early on, it was J.E.Hoover (head of the FBI) who declared "there is no mafia." He spoke in the name of the US government, and it turned out it was a lie. Regardless of whether his lie was a strategic feint to further ensnare more mafioso, it was still a lie. MK-ULTRA (CIA sponsored mind control experiments), The Tuskegee Syphilis Study (injecting African Americans with disease and monitoring them) and Operation Mockingbird (government controlled media) were all wildly outlandish propositions during their introduction into our society, and anyone attempting to acknowledge them would be laughed at (even called crazy), but nevertheless, they turned out to be true. The Gulf of Tonkin incident was reported by our government as an attack on a US ship by the North Vietnamese. At the time, anyone who doubted it would be considered a "conspiracy theorist" even though they would've been right (it was propaganda). During he Iran-Contra scandal, our government lied, and Ollie North went to jail. It's been proven the government has lied then and many other times. Why is that so difficult to conceive of presently?

Did the government just decide to stop lying now?

Here's part of the problem: when our government lies about what it tells the public, that divides the public into those who believe the lie and those who believe it's a conspiracy. That means, EVERY TIME the government lies they create conspiracy theorists. Why can't our government just be honest like the way we expect them (and pay them) to be?

President Nixon is actually given credit for coining the phrase "conspiracy theorist," because of all the US citizens calling him out on his lies. Is that irony or satire (or just an attempt to defame/discredit those who know the truth)?

Overall, "conspiracy theorists" often prove they were right. There was a conspiracy to lie/withhold/interfere/confuse the public.

Now, why would they do that? A better question may be, is that who you want running this country?

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Letter to the Editor of - Concerning JFK, James Files and Charles Nicoletti

Letter to the editor:
one of your stories was misquoted...curiously so.

In the Newmax TV special on "I killed JFK" (aired 11/20/2014 on Directv channel 349 and Dish channel 223)
James Files said
"I never saw Mr. Nicoletti shoot Kennedy, but I know he was the man in the Dal-Tex building that was supposed to be doing the shooting." quoted him (11/20/2014):
"I never saw Mr. Nicoletti shoot Kennedy, but I know he was the man in the building that was supposed to be doing the shooting."
(you left out Dal-Tex)

Inquisitr quoted him (11/20/2014):
"I never saw Mr. Nicoletti shoot Kennedy but I know he was the man in the building who was supposed to be doing the shooting."
(they mirrored you)
"According to Files, it was Nicoletti who was supposed to be in the book depository and not Oswald."

DailyMail quoted him (11/21/2014):
"I never saw Mr. Nicoletti shoot Kennedy but I know he was the man in the building who was supposed to be doing the shooting."
(they mirrored you too)
"He says the other shot that hit Pres. Kennedy came from his boss, Charles 'Chuckie' Nicoletti, who was hiding out in the book depository, the same place Lee Harvey Oswald is believed to have been at the time of the shooting.

You withheld "Dal-Tex" in your reporting of his direct quote.
Inquisitr and DailyMail changed Dal-Tex to "the book depository."

My concern is: this isn't about the past or conspiracy theories, this is about a testimony on camera. Within that recorded testimony, you withheld "Dal-Tex" intentionally, even though it's ON CAMERA. Then these other publications intentionally misled readers into believing Nicoletti shot at Kennedy from the book depository, instead of the Dal-Tex building, even though it's ON CAMERA.

Why did you remove "Dal-Tex" (what he actually said) from the quote?
Why did they change Dal-Tex to the book depository?
Who ordered the withholding of Dal-Tex?
Who ordered the lie?

If you are to be considered a serious news source, it would behoove you to find out who is attempting to confuse the public. It's been happening with this case for sometime now.


Excerpts from "Files on JFK" used by Newsmax TV in "I Killed JFK"
Copyright Wim Dankbaar of