“You are boggling my mind with your political deftacity sir,” Assange admitted, “although I am still waiting to hear you really ‘tell it like it is.’ I think you would be a smash hit amongst the youth and the baby boomers, and right now, they are embodying the ‘cool’ in politics.”
“We’re getting there.” The president enjoyed their conversation. “The rhetoric game has been going on too long in politics. Have you ever noticed that leaders get criticized for saying one thing and doing another?”
“Only obviously,” smirked Assange, “even you said in your campaign speeches you would ‘defend whistle blowers’ and seek ‘transparency.’ I trust you didn’t forget that.”
“Pardon my non-politically correct response but, ‘it ain’t over ‘til the fat lady sings.’ I came into this job knowing you have to ‘dance with the devil’ to make anything happen. What you’ve seen so far is called the first term anchor. For sustainability, I had to plug the holes of the last administration’s leaky ship by paying for the mistakes of the banks, create trust within the status quo by giving them their precious top 1% tax cuts (further alienating them from the rest of the 99%) while keeping my constituents satisfied with meager change (even though they are clamoring for revolution) just so I can keep things from getting out of hand amongst the media and public opinion to keep my promises that couldn’t have been accomplished within the first term, so I can initiate greater change during my second and go down in history as one of the best presidents to have ever held the job…aka one hell of a cluster fuck.”
“I’ve never seen the GOP so toxic,” said Assange. “When you offered to work ‘with’ them, it was almost like you called them out on their stance of doing nothing to fix anything. If their only goal is to defeat you, they are telling the American people, ‘we’re not doing anything until this guy is out of office.’ That’s a back handed way of earning a paycheck for four years from US tax dollars.”
The President raised an eyebrow. “It’s what happens when politicians stop being politicians.”
Julian thought for a moment. “Speak on it, please.”
“For all the problems the Dems have with being bought out by the banks, the GOP was bought years ago. They are no longer accountable to their voters, they are accountable to their bank accounts. When you don’t govern based upon your ethics and your decisions are made for you by money…”
“…you’re just a cog in the machine, and no longer a politician.”
“And Bingo was his name-o.”
Julian looked awed. “Fuck me, the banks aren’t political strategists, they’re just money holders. How do they expect to win in politics when they can’t even balance wealth that’s not theirs?”
“Their aggressiveness is staggering, but I’m not the kind of guy who wants to call anyone out. It’s best to allow the People to find the truth on their own.”
“So when you took office and the financial fallout occurred a month later, it was basically the banks pulling some gangsta shit,” mused Assange.
“This is a stick up!” clowned the President. “Give us more money to cover the cost of our gambling debts or we’ll let the whole system fall apart during your term…and there will be CHAOS!”
“Riots, food shortages, raping and pillaging…wow. You could’ve just called their bluff though. Do you think America would’ve fallen apart?”
“No,” said the President, “we have too much good in us, but I didn’t want it to fall apart. I believe in the human race, and part of that is allowing the People to correct their mistakes and learn from them.”
“What if some people don’t want to fix their mistakes?” asked Assange. “What if some control freaks are so enamored with their own deception that they deceive themselves into believing they are bullet proof?”
“If it comes to that, the People will supply the bullets.”