Thursday, April 29, 2010
I Gotta Wear Shades feat. Tucker Booth, Frank Friction and Blaine Zapain by NancyBoys
A red carpet event can be exhausting, but NancyBoys are in straight celeb meditation 24/7/365. In this track, Tucker Booth muses whimsically about the future of the NancyBoys while Frank Friction and Blaine Zapain break down there personal daily scenarios.
[Tucker Booth intro about NancyBoys and Timbuck 3]
I study nuclear science, I love my classes,
I got a crazy teacher who wears dark glasses,
things are going great, and they're only getting better,
I'm doing all right, getting good grades,
the future's so bright, I gotta wear shades...
I gotta wear shades...
[Frank Friction]
I got some new shoes for the first day of school,
walking thru the hall, making pretty ladies drool, cause I
polished up the white, rubber soles on my Chuck's, girl
gimme ride home, let's pull over and fuck, but I'm not
in the phone book, so you don't know my number, you
wondered where I was hanging out all summer, in the
suburbs, got the leather jacket and the Ray-Bans,
phone in my pocket stay shakin' like a paint can, man
I make bananers like palm trees, at the
jukebox, hair slicked back like I'm Fonzie, you
call me a NancyBoy, cause I like fancy toys, I
got the Ipod with the lightning-rod camcorder,
with a can opener, plus it's a transformer,
bar-b-qing salmon in the backyard, throwing washers.
I drink the blue can for sentimental reasons, but
sometimes I drink the red can, depending on the weekend.
[Tucker Booth hook]
I'm doing all right, getting good grades,
the future's so bright, I gotta wear shades...
Yes I do...(I gotta wear shades) this is true...
I throw fisticuffs at dykes, kinda
like when I rough up my own suspect late night.
Dave might a letterman, a veteran with
great thighs, but I stay styled with a better tan,
and I have better legs, girls from here to
Winnipeg have offered me cracks at their eggs,
my seedlings fall off my ledge into the
brink of their hedge. I call it the gosling effect,
for once I was ugly, and wanted to be drowned,
then I was lonely, and wanted to be found,
life became, 'love me!' and once the coffee
grounds got tossed out and caffine comes running around,
I get sentimental, like when I have
to take my brand new Mustang back to the rental,
like when I feel like I'm a big guy who can play gentle,
like watching David make it on Comedy Central...
[Tucker bridge and hook]
He's Nancy! Oh! A 1-2, a 1-2, a 1-2,
He's Nancy! Come on! A 1-2, a 1-2, a 1-2,
I study nuclear science, I love my classes,
I got a crazy teacher who wears dark glasses,
things are going great, and they're only getting better,
I'm doing all right, getting good grades,
the future's so bright, I gotta wear shades...
and all the
NancyBoys all across the planet, do the
metrosexual 'til they just can't stand it, and all the
NancyBoys all across the world, do the
good cock-tease for every girl, and all the
NancyBoys all across the planet, do the
metrosexual 'til they just can't stand it, and all the
NancyBoys all across the world, do the
good cock-tease for every girl...
He's Nancy! Oh! A 1-2, a 1-2, a 1-2,
He's Nancy! Oh! A 1-2, a 1-2, a 1-2...
He's Nancy! Oh! A 1-2, a 1-2, a 1-2,
He's Nancy! Oh! A 1-2, a 1-2, a 1-2...
Song from the free album
NANCY by The NancyBoys
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
"Brothers McShierholz" by Brad, Chadd and Chip Shierholz FROM THE NANCY ALBUM
After we meet Chadd (Tucker Booth) on the last song, his older brother Brad (Kama of Earthworms) likewise intrudes upon Blaine and Leaf's business, and this song continues the family drama (including Chip--Black Patrick of Earthworms) that is known as "Brothers McShierholz" (based on West County, whiteboy private school culture--i.e. Principia)
Chadd I will not tie your shoes again...nope, I won't do it...
Brad! Brothers don't shake hands, brothers gotta hug!
Brothers don't shake hands...Brothers gotta hug...
So...16 and freakishly sexy...two young
brothers, and I'm older, watching the chain
saw and the charisma rip my television.
Dad! I want my TV back! 'No...'
my MTV he says, 'Go watch it, it's cool,
I'm gonna take Chadd and Chip hunting. Pretty soon,
you'll be able to shoot the .22,' but I'm older.
Damn, OMG why? I'm older!
Why are you taking Chadd? I'm sorry, you
caught in the garage smoking down nugs with Leaf.
I can still aim a shotgun, I can still go
'hah, hah hah, hah, hah,' and party and have fun.
The 'Studio 7' boys...
it's Studio 54, and I'm with the toys,
and I don't give a fuck man, cause I
got my Varnet t-shirt on, and I got France,
on my back...
Poison posters and Body Glove shoes is all I need,
but Mom says, 'Chip let's go to the
Gap and buy some more plaid.' Well
fuck you man, and fuck you Chip, and
fuck you Chadd, I'm older, you're younger, we're brudders...
The Brothers McShierholz, for all y'all people
out there who just don't grab hold, cause
this shit's wait,
actually it's two stories, above a garage in West
I got God on my back, what do you say?
Man, I go to a private school,
fuck CBC, I go to get my jerk off, and
sell exstacy and acid to the freaks, so
sixteen and freakishly sexy...
Yeah, I'm older...
Brothers don't shake hands...Brothers gotta hug...
...and I'm younger, like those kids starving from hunger
Brothers don't shake hands...Brothers gotta hug...
Chadd, Sh-sh-sh-Shierholz, the coolest kid,
the freakiest motherfucker since Core Project
broke up. I don't know why they did it. I
said they were a bunch of dimwits, they called Chadd a
nitwit. I said, 'My Dad's a lawyer. I'll beat your
ass on video camera and sell it to Diane Sawyer.'
I've got friends the entertainment industry, who
don't understand your wack mimicry.
Chadd's symmetry is so beautiful, it's
like looking at a's like
you ain't saying shit...Yo, you don't know what I
mean, this is Chadd, you're not a member of my basketball
team, you never went to Prin, you never knew about
Christian Science and God's reliance in me, the creator of everything, CHADD, the GOD of the world and you're
so sad, next to me, it's like you're tripping on
Brad's exstacy, Bradwell and
Chaddwell, kings of the weaponry,
let's get a look at me, my Mom needed a
c-section just to have me...
C to the H to the A-D-D, it's
Brothers don't shake hands...Brothers gotta hug...
Brothers don't shake hands, brothers gotta hug Brad! Brothers gotta hug! Come on!
Brothers don't shake hands...Brothers gotta hug...
[Chadd] Mom likes me better anyway!
Little brother Chip off the boulder, grip the
microphone with a chip on my shoulder, not a
pushover, but I'm hardly ever sober, pockets full of
posy, my posse waiting for what you
know about Canadian borders? Colder than my
brothers, Chadd's younger, Brad's older...HOLD UP...
cause I'm youngest, geekin' off the fungus,
reekin' off a one hit, of the blunt kid.
My main pundit cooks poncet, I love it when she
drops another dozen, I'ma knock it up or something.
Suddenly I'm jumpin'. Cut and leave or something? Never, I'ma be her husband, I'ma go to school and be a
chiro-prac-adjustor, but Brad introduced me to a
glad-bag of juicy, blueberry koosh, heebrid
that he bred, but Chadd told Dad, and
Dad got angry, and grounded my ass, that's the
reason that I can't leave, so I had to sneak out in my
$100 sneakers, snuck into the chem lab and
stole a bunch of beakers, deegis, broke a Bunsen
burner so it's goin' be smellin' fishy, listen to my
whimsy, Gypsy thought patterns, two beers and I'm
tipsy, Chip flip words like Jacob's Ladder. My
grey matter pancakes are fatter than your average
Ursa. This little man's a damager, he'll manage to hurt ya...
Brothers don't shake hands...Brothers gotta hug...
Song from the free album
NANCY by The NancyBoys
Chadd I will not tie your shoes again...nope, I won't do it...
Brad! Brothers don't shake hands, brothers gotta hug!
Brothers don't shake hands...Brothers gotta hug...
So...16 and freakishly sexy...two young
brothers, and I'm older, watching the chain
saw and the charisma rip my television.
Dad! I want my TV back! 'No...'
my MTV he says, 'Go watch it, it's cool,
I'm gonna take Chadd and Chip hunting. Pretty soon,
you'll be able to shoot the .22,' but I'm older.
Damn, OMG why? I'm older!
Why are you taking Chadd? I'm sorry, you
caught in the garage smoking down nugs with Leaf.
I can still aim a shotgun, I can still go
'hah, hah hah, hah, hah,' and party and have fun.
The 'Studio 7' boys...
it's Studio 54, and I'm with the toys,
and I don't give a fuck man, cause I
got my Varnet t-shirt on, and I got France,
on my back...
Poison posters and Body Glove shoes is all I need,
but Mom says, 'Chip let's go to the
Gap and buy some more plaid.' Well
fuck you man, and fuck you Chip, and
fuck you Chadd, I'm older, you're younger, we're brudders...
The Brothers McShierholz, for all y'all people
out there who just don't grab hold, cause
this shit's wait,
actually it's two stories, above a garage in West
I got God on my back, what do you say?
Man, I go to a private school,
fuck CBC, I go to get my jerk off, and
sell exstacy and acid to the freaks, so
sixteen and freakishly sexy...
Yeah, I'm older...
Brothers don't shake hands...Brothers gotta hug...
...and I'm younger, like those kids starving from hunger
Brothers don't shake hands...Brothers gotta hug...
Chadd, Sh-sh-sh-Shierholz, the coolest kid,
the freakiest motherfucker since Core Project
broke up. I don't know why they did it. I
said they were a bunch of dimwits, they called Chadd a
nitwit. I said, 'My Dad's a lawyer. I'll beat your
ass on video camera and sell it to Diane Sawyer.'
I've got friends the entertainment industry, who
don't understand your wack mimicry.
Chadd's symmetry is so beautiful, it's
like looking at a's like
you ain't saying shit...Yo, you don't know what I
mean, this is Chadd, you're not a member of my basketball
team, you never went to Prin, you never knew about
Christian Science and God's reliance in me, the creator of everything, CHADD, the GOD of the world and you're
so sad, next to me, it's like you're tripping on
Brad's exstacy, Bradwell and
Chaddwell, kings of the weaponry,
let's get a look at me, my Mom needed a
c-section just to have me...
C to the H to the A-D-D, it's
Brothers don't shake hands...Brothers gotta hug...
Brothers don't shake hands, brothers gotta hug Brad! Brothers gotta hug! Come on!
Brothers don't shake hands...Brothers gotta hug...
[Chadd] Mom likes me better anyway!
Little brother Chip off the boulder, grip the
microphone with a chip on my shoulder, not a
pushover, but I'm hardly ever sober, pockets full of
posy, my posse waiting for what you
know about Canadian borders? Colder than my
brothers, Chadd's younger, Brad's older...HOLD UP...
cause I'm youngest, geekin' off the fungus,
reekin' off a one hit, of the blunt kid.
My main pundit cooks poncet, I love it when she
drops another dozen, I'ma knock it up or something.
Suddenly I'm jumpin'. Cut and leave or something? Never, I'ma be her husband, I'ma go to school and be a
chiro-prac-adjustor, but Brad introduced me to a
glad-bag of juicy, blueberry koosh, heebrid
that he bred, but Chadd told Dad, and
Dad got angry, and grounded my ass, that's the
reason that I can't leave, so I had to sneak out in my
$100 sneakers, snuck into the chem lab and
stole a bunch of beakers, deegis, broke a Bunsen
burner so it's goin' be smellin' fishy, listen to my
whimsy, Gypsy thought patterns, two beers and I'm
tipsy, Chip flip words like Jacob's Ladder. My
grey matter pancakes are fatter than your average
Ursa. This little man's a damager, he'll manage to hurt ya...
Brothers don't shake hands...Brothers gotta hug...
Song from the free album
NANCY by The NancyBoys

Monday, April 26, 2010
"Ticket 2 Ride" featuring Blaine, Leaf and Chadd from NANCY, now available for FREE DOWNLOAD
Track 2 from NANCY, "Ticket 2 Ride" is FREE at:
This second track from NANCY begins when Blaine flies to Breckenridge, CO to snowboard and (on his way thru Boulder) bumps into Leaf, a hill-kid drug dealer. All is good, until Chadd, a West County high school kid, interrupts their transaction with his ignorance of Boulderian etiquette:
Hah, the American highway, so heavenly, but
I flew American skyways, instead of 70, it
was time to fly, no more recording,
off to Breckenridge, CO for snowboarding,
with a layover in Boulder, I told her to
move over and get her ass off of my shoulder, in the
Pathfinder, with Colorado plates, the
natives won't hate, throw rocks and then skate.
I love this folk, they love the snow,
some makes you cold, some turns you the
Hulk, like 'ayo,' no, out here it's 'hey bro,'
finally passed a law against wearing day-glo.
It makes me so proud, this place is snowbound, where
people grow tropical plants with green know-how.
Whoa...ill shit, yeah...when up on
College, we bumped into the most dashingest of all Hill kids.
He's got a ticket to ride, and he'll get
high, he'll wear the finest sunglasses on his eyes.
He's got a ticket to ride, and he'll get
high, he'll wear the finest sunglasses on his eyes.
Hey bro it's Leaf, and I chief the keef, I'm a
Trustfundafarian up from back east,
I use the illest chillums and the finest glass piece.
Do you want to buy some nugs bro? Oh, it's hip hop...some trees?
My patchwork pants are always creased, I didn't get
into the Grateful Dead 'til after Jerry was deceased,
I got the dankest bootleg, my peeps all drive Jeeps,
Boulder, Colorado, runnin' these streets.
It's like an army made of fleece, and I'm kinda like the leader,
I only smoke the heater when I hang out with Derek Jeter,
Leaf, and there's no need for a last name, but I'm related
to the Kennedys and my friends think that's lame.
Set, match, and that's game, cause I'm
better at tennis and my skiing is the best, just ask Blaine,
[Blaine] I don't know you.
I slept on your couch and gave you scabies,
then I took a shower with my dog and naked ladies, who aren't into shaving, not even maybe...
He's got a ticket to ride, and he'll get
high, he'll wear the finest sunglasses on his eyes.
He's got a ticket to ride, and he'll get
high, he'll wear the finest sunglasses on his eyes.
Look guys, I'm not trying to be a vulture, but it's
time for Chadd to invest in some agriculture.
Hey man, got a quarter? What's with the
look bro? Huh...fuckin' snowboarders...
you don't wanna make Chadd mad, cause I'll
slash the tires on your Esquire and blame it on my brother Brad,
[Brad] Shut up Chadd.
That would be hella fat, like your girlfriend's ass,
I used to cheat off her test and touch her tits in class.
She sold me schwag out the back of her Dad's Jag, I said,
'My Dad's is nicer,' she's like 'Chadd, your Dad's a fag.'
Anyways, pizzaface, how about a drag? And I'd
love it if you served up those nuggets with a bottle of Stag.
This is Chadd Shierholz, doing it for
West County, and all the stoner weirdos.
I don't care if you're from Colorado, because when you
do it like Chadd, it's John Wayne with the 'Rio Bravo'.
He's got a ticket to ride, and he'll get
high, he'll wear the finest sunglasses on his eyes.
He's got a ticket to ride, and he'll get
high, he'll wear the finest sunglasses on his eyes.
Song from the free album
NANCY by The NancyBoys
This second track from NANCY begins when Blaine flies to Breckenridge, CO to snowboard and (on his way thru Boulder) bumps into Leaf, a hill-kid drug dealer. All is good, until Chadd, a West County high school kid, interrupts their transaction with his ignorance of Boulderian etiquette:
Hah, the American highway, so heavenly, but
I flew American skyways, instead of 70, it
was time to fly, no more recording,
off to Breckenridge, CO for snowboarding,
with a layover in Boulder, I told her to
move over and get her ass off of my shoulder, in the
Pathfinder, with Colorado plates, the
natives won't hate, throw rocks and then skate.
I love this folk, they love the snow,
some makes you cold, some turns you the
Hulk, like 'ayo,' no, out here it's 'hey bro,'
finally passed a law against wearing day-glo.
It makes me so proud, this place is snowbound, where
people grow tropical plants with green know-how.
Whoa...ill shit, yeah...when up on
College, we bumped into the most dashingest of all Hill kids.
He's got a ticket to ride, and he'll get
high, he'll wear the finest sunglasses on his eyes.
He's got a ticket to ride, and he'll get
high, he'll wear the finest sunglasses on his eyes.
Hey bro it's Leaf, and I chief the keef, I'm a
Trustfundafarian up from back east,
I use the illest chillums and the finest glass piece.
Do you want to buy some nugs bro? Oh, it's hip hop...some trees?
My patchwork pants are always creased, I didn't get
into the Grateful Dead 'til after Jerry was deceased,
I got the dankest bootleg, my peeps all drive Jeeps,
Boulder, Colorado, runnin' these streets.
It's like an army made of fleece, and I'm kinda like the leader,
I only smoke the heater when I hang out with Derek Jeter,
Leaf, and there's no need for a last name, but I'm related
to the Kennedys and my friends think that's lame.
Set, match, and that's game, cause I'm
better at tennis and my skiing is the best, just ask Blaine,
[Blaine] I don't know you.
I slept on your couch and gave you scabies,
then I took a shower with my dog and naked ladies, who aren't into shaving, not even maybe...
He's got a ticket to ride, and he'll get
high, he'll wear the finest sunglasses on his eyes.
He's got a ticket to ride, and he'll get
high, he'll wear the finest sunglasses on his eyes.
Look guys, I'm not trying to be a vulture, but it's
time for Chadd to invest in some agriculture.
Hey man, got a quarter? What's with the
look bro? Huh...fuckin' snowboarders...
you don't wanna make Chadd mad, cause I'll
slash the tires on your Esquire and blame it on my brother Brad,
[Brad] Shut up Chadd.
That would be hella fat, like your girlfriend's ass,
I used to cheat off her test and touch her tits in class.
She sold me schwag out the back of her Dad's Jag, I said,
'My Dad's is nicer,' she's like 'Chadd, your Dad's a fag.'
Anyways, pizzaface, how about a drag? And I'd
love it if you served up those nuggets with a bottle of Stag.
This is Chadd Shierholz, doing it for
West County, and all the stoner weirdos.
I don't care if you're from Colorado, because when you
do it like Chadd, it's John Wayne with the 'Rio Bravo'.
He's got a ticket to ride, and he'll get
high, he'll wear the finest sunglasses on his eyes.
He's got a ticket to ride, and he'll get
high, he'll wear the finest sunglasses on his eyes.
Song from the free album
NANCY by The NancyBoys
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Earthworms, "Try 2 Find" featuring Jonathan Toth from Hoth is up on youtube
We did this joint last summer, and it's just been released on INDYGROUND Ent.
I sang the hook based on Kama's first verse.
It was produced by DJ Crucial.
It feels good.
from the NEW ALBUM: "Midnight at the Capricorn" by the Earthworms
Jonathan Toth from Hoth
I sang the hook based on Kama's first verse.
It was produced by DJ Crucial.
It feels good.
from the NEW ALBUM: "Midnight at the Capricorn" by the Earthworms
Jonathan Toth from Hoth
Have you downloaded NANCY for free yet?
In an age where rappers wear make-up, get manicures and play with fancy toys, you have the NancyBoys. They are emcees who embrace their metrosexuality and flaunt it, instead of answering questions ambiguously with 'no comment'. Networking on the internet, they have joined forces to put forth this concept, the sickest yet from The Frozen Food Section, a collection of the biggest vets who create only what they can get away with...So let's get on with it...

[NANCY by the NancyBoys, artwork by Calc2]
In an age where rappers wear make-up, get manicures and play with fancy toys, you have the NancyBoys. They are emcees who embrace their metrosexuality and flaunt it, instead of answering questions ambiguously with 'no comment'. Networking on the internet, they have joined forces to put forth this concept, the sickest yet from The Frozen Food Section, a collection of the biggest vets who create only what they can get away with...So let's get on with it...
[NANCY by the NancyBoys, artwork by Calc2]
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Questions for Toth by Cold Ken
1. What does hip-hop have to do with community?
To me, since hip hop began as four elements of art; 1. breakdancing, 2. graffiti writing, 3. and 4., modern-day hip hop COULD be about; 1. the dance trends at the local clubs, 2. the illest graphic designs of the local artists, 3. the best beats by local producers and 4. the most creative/inspired rhymes by rappers around me. I don't dance much (except by myself) and the only graphic designs I'm interested in are going on my album covers, but what I DO is make beats and rap. In MY community, hip hop is an inclusive label to define someone as "a fan or creator of some current artform". In my LIFE, hip hop is a term that defines my DOING something creative that my community will appreciate...or not.
2. How do people see through the commercialized radio rap? Does it have any value? Does it have any relation to hip-hop in it's purest form?
From what I've seen, "commercialized radio rap" is the negative stereotype of how the larger record companies have systematically sought out ONLY that rap which will make them money, i.e. explicit, shocking, base music that targets young audiences with parents who actually pay for their music, and play those songs over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, until the rest of us can't wait for that song to never be played again. I see through it by not listening to it...unless it really is good, and then I'll buy it, or burn it from a friend. I don't have to watch MTV or BET or listen to Clear Channel to separate the grain from the chaff. The value of it is that although the market is flooded, you still finds gems and that makes it worthwhile. You also have to remember, most of the "commercialized radio rap" are real musicians who love what they do, and began as starving artists, but they might have signed contracts for money they needed or agreed to write something they normally wouldn't have written or ALL OF THEIR MUSIC IS NO LONGER THEIRS. Nowadays, I don't see it so much as a "hip hop verses rap" thing. To me, it's more like "pop music vs. the underground" or "money vs. love". Some people have friends and/or associates with a lot of money to fund their music (whether good or not) and most people have less resources and little-to-no chance comparatively, whether they are talented or not.
3. Where is the point in hip-hop's young history when its goal of evolving into a significant artistic art form to make a significant statement changed its course to become a "make money money, go shopping" mentality?
Once it collectively realized that it could...or someone would, if they didn't. If you want a point in the last 37 years of its existence, I'd say it was around 1988, when NWA released "Straight Outta Compton" on Priority Records. Before them, no one had yet found that golden calf that would be known as "Gangsta Rap". It made a lot of record labels go shopping for the best gangsta rappers they could find...and they all started releasing them in the early 1990's, especially after Dr. Dre went multi-platinum with his first solo album, "The Chronic". Hip hop was no longer trendy. Rapping about guns, weed, bitches and fashion was selling out.
4. What state do you think hip-hop is in currently?
I'm still the blind optimist. The internet is curbing the negative traits of the bigger record companies. They can't sell music very well when people want it (and get it) for free, and they certainly don't want to pay for it, unless it's REALLY good. That's leading to artists going further in their creativity and shedding old fears of "needing" a label to get them anywhere, when the World Wide Web can get them everywhere, and THAT's leading to a new breed of fans who sniff out commercialism (the chaff) to seek and find sustinance in heartfelt art (grain). I'm psyched.
5. Have you downloaded NANCY for free yet?
In an age where rappers wear make-up, get manicures and play with fancy toys, you have the NancyBoys. They are emcees who embrace their metrosexuality and flaunt it, instead of answering questions ambiguously with 'no comment'. Networking on the internet, they have joined forces to put forth this concept, the sickest yet from The Frozen Food Section, a collection of the biggest vets who create only what they can get away with...So let's get on with it...

[NANCY by the NancyBoys, artwork by Calc2]
To me, since hip hop began as four elements of art; 1. breakdancing, 2. graffiti writing, 3. and 4., modern-day hip hop COULD be about; 1. the dance trends at the local clubs, 2. the illest graphic designs of the local artists, 3. the best beats by local producers and 4. the most creative/inspired rhymes by rappers around me. I don't dance much (except by myself) and the only graphic designs I'm interested in are going on my album covers, but what I DO is make beats and rap. In MY community, hip hop is an inclusive label to define someone as "a fan or creator of some current artform". In my LIFE, hip hop is a term that defines my DOING something creative that my community will appreciate...or not.
2. How do people see through the commercialized radio rap? Does it have any value? Does it have any relation to hip-hop in it's purest form?
From what I've seen, "commercialized radio rap" is the negative stereotype of how the larger record companies have systematically sought out ONLY that rap which will make them money, i.e. explicit, shocking, base music that targets young audiences with parents who actually pay for their music, and play those songs over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, until the rest of us can't wait for that song to never be played again. I see through it by not listening to it...unless it really is good, and then I'll buy it, or burn it from a friend. I don't have to watch MTV or BET or listen to Clear Channel to separate the grain from the chaff. The value of it is that although the market is flooded, you still finds gems and that makes it worthwhile. You also have to remember, most of the "commercialized radio rap" are real musicians who love what they do, and began as starving artists, but they might have signed contracts for money they needed or agreed to write something they normally wouldn't have written or ALL OF THEIR MUSIC IS NO LONGER THEIRS. Nowadays, I don't see it so much as a "hip hop verses rap" thing. To me, it's more like "pop music vs. the underground" or "money vs. love". Some people have friends and/or associates with a lot of money to fund their music (whether good or not) and most people have less resources and little-to-no chance comparatively, whether they are talented or not.
3. Where is the point in hip-hop's young history when its goal of evolving into a significant artistic art form to make a significant statement changed its course to become a "make money money, go shopping" mentality?
Once it collectively realized that it could...or someone would, if they didn't. If you want a point in the last 37 years of its existence, I'd say it was around 1988, when NWA released "Straight Outta Compton" on Priority Records. Before them, no one had yet found that golden calf that would be known as "Gangsta Rap". It made a lot of record labels go shopping for the best gangsta rappers they could find...and they all started releasing them in the early 1990's, especially after Dr. Dre went multi-platinum with his first solo album, "The Chronic". Hip hop was no longer trendy. Rapping about guns, weed, bitches and fashion was selling out.
4. What state do you think hip-hop is in currently?
I'm still the blind optimist. The internet is curbing the negative traits of the bigger record companies. They can't sell music very well when people want it (and get it) for free, and they certainly don't want to pay for it, unless it's REALLY good. That's leading to artists going further in their creativity and shedding old fears of "needing" a label to get them anywhere, when the World Wide Web can get them everywhere, and THAT's leading to a new breed of fans who sniff out commercialism (the chaff) to seek and find sustinance in heartfelt art (grain). I'm psyched.
5. Have you downloaded NANCY for free yet?
In an age where rappers wear make-up, get manicures and play with fancy toys, you have the NancyBoys. They are emcees who embrace their metrosexuality and flaunt it, instead of answering questions ambiguously with 'no comment'. Networking on the internet, they have joined forces to put forth this concept, the sickest yet from The Frozen Food Section, a collection of the biggest vets who create only what they can get away with...So let's get on with it...

[NANCY by the NancyBoys, artwork by Calc2]
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
NANCY by the NancyBoys is available for FREE DOWNLOAD
1. Fancy Toys feat. Huggie Brown, Shane Westerhoff-Schultz and Blaine Zapain produced by Midas Wells
2. Ticket 2 Ride feat. Blaine Zapain, Leaf and Chadd produced by Amiri
3. Brothers McShierholz feat. Brad, Chadd and Chip Shierholz produced by Serengeti
4. The Red Rolls Out feat. Tony Puma, Blaine Zapain and Shane Westerhoff-Schultz produced by Amiri
5. I Gotta Wear Shades
feat. Tucker Booth, Frank Friction and Blaine Zapain produced by Midas Wells
6. Big, Blonde and Beautiful feat. Blaine Zapain produced by Jonathan Toth from Hoth
7. It's a Walk-Off feat. Leaf, Blaine and Derek produced by Midas Wells
8. She Got It Goin' On feat. Tucker Booth, Jasmine and Blaine Zapain produced by Maji
9. Business feat. Blaine Zapain, Floss and Leaf produced by Serengeti
10. Shane vs. Tucker vs. Chad (freestyle) produced by Amiri
11. Stuff According feat. Dirty Heat produced by Midas Wells
12. Supposebly feat. MC 401 (k) and Chadd produced by Midas Wells
13. Don't U Look at My Girlfriend feat. Dirty Sanchez, Helias [RIP] and Tucker Booth
14. Nancy Boys feat. Blaine Zapain and Shane produced by DJ Crucial
15. So feat. Christy Montana, Tucker Booth and Blaine Zapaine produced by Amiri
Huggie Brown, Tucker Booth as Shane Westerhoff-Schultz and Chadd, Jonathan Toth from Hoth as Blaine Zapain, Mathias, Kama and Black Patrick of Earthworms as Leaf, Brad and Chip Shierholz, Nyquill of Royale Illete as Tony Puma, Frank Friction, Jasmine, IntellectEmcee as Floss, Dirty Heat and Ben Westhoff as MC 401 (k)
Friday, April 9, 2010
Addverb Superb aka A.Dubs joins The Frozen Food Section
A. Double [aka Addverb Superb]
Intellect Emcee and I formed InLimbo circa 1990. After a couple of years of that, I wanted to branch out to do things I didn't think fit with with InLimbo...i.e. less serious song material.
As it turned out, two of my road-homies (BC, LJ and I were frequent party-goers) also started freestyling with Intellect and I almost everywhere we went. While hanging out with them on one of many sleepless weekends, we formed Midwest Avengers, and I was going to be their DJ (which, is what I started out as in InLimbo; Intellect was the emcee, I was DJ D-Train, and when I rhymed, my moniker was "Choo-Choo." Yes. It is funny) This was around, 1992 or 1993.
Intellect joined Midwest Avengers around the time it became a loose collection of freestyle fanatics, when any combination of the 20 or so affiliated rappers and emcees would show up to do shows. Midwest has a deeper history, but essentially, everything solidified when DJ Toasty Toast, aka Toast Emcee suggested we stop just freestyling, and actually practice a show format, with the most regular emcees, over breaks he would find and cut up.
The reason I mention that much of their history, is becuase through them, we actually began to get noticed beyond our original scene. Deep heads like Lyfestile and others liked us, and respected what we did. But it was through freestyle format both of us excelled at writing and showmanship, and it is where Intellect got the notoriety and fame; he literally transformed into everybody's favorite emcee on Midwest stages, as freestyle unlocked the artist within him, his artist self emerged, and his style solidified.
Back to me: I had my first baby in 1995, so about then is when music began to take a backseat, and life started taking over. The juggling act made me less reliable for recording and performing, so Intellect mostly worked with Midwest (which, as described earlier, definitely worked for him.)
About this time, DJ B-$Money aka Brian Dollars aka the Beyonder, revived us (1994ish), and we once again were out doing shows and performing. in 1994 (?) We released "C.R.E.W." (a cassette release!!!), featuring All That Ish, which was unsolicited yet picked up and reviewed by The Source in their Midwest Edition that summer.
That was a high point. Lots of buzz, but not capitalized on. Boo.
I worked on beats and rhymes for years after that, but nothing was released until the stalled "King of the Bullshitters" project was raided for singles, and put out as "Alias Helios:The KOTBS ERA SINGLES" collection (affectionately described as "Thirty-Something Daddy-Hop") in 2006. It contained beats from 1998 or so forward (That song, "Slips and Drums" I brought a few weeks back is what sparked the idea: I stumbled across it while playing with my 'new' MPC2000XL in 2000, but it was an ASR10 beat from 1997 or so.)
So, here I am, 12 years later, collaborating with an artist/label that I believe gives me the best of both worlds: artistic freedom (no creative handcuffs), while projects have a better chance of actually seeing the light of day.
I start (key word), many, many projects: mixtapes, albums, singles, production.
Hopefully, possible release will keep me focused through completion.
The only thing I do is maintain copyright control of writing/lyrics, and publishing control of original music.
I'd like to say, "Here's to a long, fruitful relationship." But, I know me, and for now, I need to concentrate on completing this record.
So, instead, I'll say, "Thank you J-Toth, Frozen Food, Intellect Emcee and Midwest Avengers, and to my fans (our fans) for the past 20 years."
Now...let's make some music!
Intellect Emcee and I formed InLimbo circa 1990. After a couple of years of that, I wanted to branch out to do things I didn't think fit with with InLimbo...i.e. less serious song material.
As it turned out, two of my road-homies (BC, LJ and I were frequent party-goers) also started freestyling with Intellect and I almost everywhere we went. While hanging out with them on one of many sleepless weekends, we formed Midwest Avengers, and I was going to be their DJ (which, is what I started out as in InLimbo; Intellect was the emcee, I was DJ D-Train, and when I rhymed, my moniker was "Choo-Choo." Yes. It is funny) This was around, 1992 or 1993.
Intellect joined Midwest Avengers around the time it became a loose collection of freestyle fanatics, when any combination of the 20 or so affiliated rappers and emcees would show up to do shows. Midwest has a deeper history, but essentially, everything solidified when DJ Toasty Toast, aka Toast Emcee suggested we stop just freestyling, and actually practice a show format, with the most regular emcees, over breaks he would find and cut up.
The reason I mention that much of their history, is becuase through them, we actually began to get noticed beyond our original scene. Deep heads like Lyfestile and others liked us, and respected what we did. But it was through freestyle format both of us excelled at writing and showmanship, and it is where Intellect got the notoriety and fame; he literally transformed into everybody's favorite emcee on Midwest stages, as freestyle unlocked the artist within him, his artist self emerged, and his style solidified.
Back to me: I had my first baby in 1995, so about then is when music began to take a backseat, and life started taking over. The juggling act made me less reliable for recording and performing, so Intellect mostly worked with Midwest (which, as described earlier, definitely worked for him.)
About this time, DJ B-$Money aka Brian Dollars aka the Beyonder, revived us (1994ish), and we once again were out doing shows and performing. in 1994 (?) We released "C.R.E.W." (a cassette release!!!), featuring All That Ish, which was unsolicited yet picked up and reviewed by The Source in their Midwest Edition that summer.
That was a high point. Lots of buzz, but not capitalized on. Boo.
I worked on beats and rhymes for years after that, but nothing was released until the stalled "King of the Bullshitters" project was raided for singles, and put out as "Alias Helios:The KOTBS ERA SINGLES" collection (affectionately described as "Thirty-Something Daddy-Hop") in 2006. It contained beats from 1998 or so forward (That song, "Slips and Drums" I brought a few weeks back is what sparked the idea: I stumbled across it while playing with my 'new' MPC2000XL in 2000, but it was an ASR10 beat from 1997 or so.)
So, here I am, 12 years later, collaborating with an artist/label that I believe gives me the best of both worlds: artistic freedom (no creative handcuffs), while projects have a better chance of actually seeing the light of day.
I start (key word), many, many projects: mixtapes, albums, singles, production.
Hopefully, possible release will keep me focused through completion.
The only thing I do is maintain copyright control of writing/lyrics, and publishing control of original music.
I'd like to say, "Here's to a long, fruitful relationship." But, I know me, and for now, I need to concentrate on completing this record.
So, instead, I'll say, "Thank you J-Toth, Frozen Food, Intellect Emcee and Midwest Avengers, and to my fans (our fans) for the past 20 years."
Now...let's make some music!
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