Monday, March 30, 2020
Illumination feat. J.T. Rothschild
I will guide the course of the cause with my heart,
I will keep our historic secrets personal,
I will be my brother's keeper and play my part,
I will now perform the initiation ritual,
I will bring new members into the fold,
I will never walk back these steps I have taken,
if I fail to comply with these rules of old,
the privilege I received shall be forsaken.
Now... who do I kill? I'll
hit Prince William if you foot the Bill,
I can shed my empathy at Will, it's
like an addiction without the Guilt,
or thrill, it's not like I get off on it,
yet not distasteful, like I need sauce on it,
ask Lucifer, he's the boss on it,
you can be sure, he's made a few omelets,
such a wise old owl,
watching over us so no one goes a foul, He's
patient with our mistakes without so much as a growl,
who will be the next foe to throw in the towel?
Oh shiny one, your faithful servant will
rise as your son, but never deserve it,
teach me your wisdom, please let me learn it,
trust me as your vessel, let me earn it.
[Reagan BREAK]
you got the drive kid, buckle up,
now, kill this infant, then cut a rug,
cheers, drink the blood, chugalug,
let's fuck, rub a dub in the club,
cuddle up, with whomever you want to,
none of your previous errors may haunt you,
we will eliminate enemies who wrong you,
bring your friends and family along too,
it's quite the ride,
watch all your petty problems fly on by, we
own world leaders from nigh on high, and
this president is right on time,
all you have to do is play your part, this
lifestyle is not for the faint of heart,
do the right thing Spike, stay smart, be one of us, guarantee your place on the ark
[Reagan BREAK]
Sunday, March 29, 2020
Adrenochrome (what happened)
Give up, give in, submit,
acquiesce, forgo, forfeit, the
game is rigged, you can't win,
cease and desist, open your wrists,
don't think, it's too late for that,
don't blink, gaze upon the act,
one wink, and you're complicit,
one drink, and you're delicious.
fear will be milked and sucked down our throats,
there is no hope, only our
code, you die alone,
all for the sake of those precious seconds,
floodgates open and blend the beverage,
hemoglobin carries the load…
We must squeeze you to make it,
this juice is served better naked,
we prefer it stirred, never shaken,
maintain your blood or it will be taken,
Darwin was right, the strong survive,
our reign is longer than you may surmise,
it's inevitable, all must die, but
your time will be up, before sunrise,
take heart, you're a noble sacrifice, we
take your heart, then your soul takes a hike, we
get high off you, it's like we catch a ride, your
spirit is succulent, we have to imbibe.
What happened? Ha, he happened, and
made us a playground, then Adam and Eve happened, the
snake showed us how to make things happen, there's
good, but with evil, great things happen.
Saturday, March 28, 2020
Enders Game
What's it like, to fight the good fight?
Anxiety all day and panic attacks all night,
listening to the right claim only they are right, as
if the left are just what's left of the poor or slight,
it's a sobering truth, there is no idle time,
unless you choose to get high, drugs will be idolized,
another graven image gratified by primal mind,
grab ife by the horns, I had to bridal mine,
get busy or get dizzy, if your
action isn't on target, it"s like you went missing,
but if you talk too loud in your big city,
the boys will be back in town like Thin Lizzy,
don't make it easy for their surveillance, at
least encrypt your conversation or curtail it, they're
total control of known nodes is prevailing, and
they take pride in their work, but they won't unveil it.
Alien visits, like they're insects,
Earth's a flower, we're the pollen, especially kids,
we'll need more than pistols to defend it,
all planets are "fair game," to some dicks,
we got a chastity belt, Dr.
Van Allen said it makes traveling hell,
catch 'em in a blur of an Aeon Flux eyelash,
casting a lure of sustenance, Venus flytrap,
it's not personal, a find's a find, un-
less the whole Nest connects to a hive mind,
then it's Us vs. them, pick a side,
fight for our Collective life or accept genocide,
beware of traitors who'll send us all away, un-
til they are also taken and only have themselves to blame,
bought and sold on an Intergalactic vendors tray,
if someone doesn't step up, it's Ender's Game.
Friday, March 27, 2020
War of the World
phone needs a boost and a lotta rewiring, with
just a few tools and a soldering iron, be
sure to use 'em, to keep a free and open line, by
removing their view, and relieving them of spying,
each of your smart devices serves one purpose, to
keep tabs on all the animals in the circus, be-
fore that, our collective actions made 'em nervous, but
now they can watch us all from beneath the Earth's surface,
it's been a long time coming for their kind, the
road to hell is paved with good intentions and a lotta crime,
since we're pressed to keep our lives on the grind,
bad apples are easy pickings and not hard to find,
life went from straight to wrinkling out the curls,
like the American flag before it's unfurled,
it's your duty to microchip every boy and girl,
or you're a terrorist in the war of the world.
Put up or shut up, it's imperative, un-
less you can figure out how to control the narrative,
those in the know, won't be interested in sharing it,
Polly wants a cracker, uncle Toms on some parrot shit,
until the chickens come home to roost,
then they're the first chickens to fly the coop,
why don't we cross that road when we get to it,
based on what they do, I bet they taste like chicken too,
and after all this talk, I'm getting hungry, just
don't eat anything manufactured in our country,
least of all animals who never know it's sunny, or
ever get off their tummy or go running,
Hey buddy, quick talking shit on my offspring, they
need space before they make a burnt offering,
so far, it's eating, sleeping, and computer screen watching.
Who the fuck teaches 'em this shit? Not me...
Emergency! Turn off the tv immediately,
it's cancer in a box full of dark frequencies,
mapping your lethargy, sapping your energy,
calcifying your third eye from seeing anything,
and everything made by them is predatory, es-
pecially vaccinations when they're made mandatory,
your body is your temple, it's not statutory,
don't let them be victors over you, and sell their story,
eye know, we'll all be fine,
what you can't see, can't hurt you, right? If
like attracts like and the blind leads the blind, we'll
never see it coming when it's the end of our time.
Thursday, March 26, 2020
Space Invaders (2nd level) feat. LoLo Frees
LoLo Frees:
This is the 2nd way, which is the very bestest way,
it's like a 2nd level...
We aren't special beneath our blue dome,
and it turns out, we're far from alone, the
Earth is a pit stop in the middle of the known,
looting is normal once E.T. phones home,
not just one type, there are all kinds,
some look like us, some have no spines,
some are cold-blooded, scaly reptiles,
some are short, child-like and mostly eyes,
all have agendas, all look freakish,
it's important to remember - they all have a weakness, and
although they do their best to keep it secret, the
weak links lie with the humans they choose to be with,
Can you guess? Not you or me chica it's
those in control of the party, y tu vida,
tell everyone, la familia amigas, it's
those people, we should be screaming, La migra!
[HOOK] LoLo Frees
Is it worth making such a fine fuss,
just cuz they were faking being kind once?
Is it odd to pledge their undying love,
not to us, but to some bloodline lust?
Nothing wrong with being a race trader,
unless you think it makes your race greater,
not like a mutant or a Caped Crusader, they're
half Earthling half space invader, it's
one thing if they're gonna be transparent,
it's another to split up the Earth and not share it,
watch 'em, if the shoe fits they'll wear it,
walking on air like they know they're The Heir Apparent,
they daren't, if we keep 'em from landing,
make 'em swim back upstream like salmon, we're
Late to a game Millennia in the planning, we'll
need special glasses to catch 'em infrared handed.
[HOOK] LoLo Frees
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
Oooo Trouble from NEW ALBUM "DefCon PsyOps" by J-Toth from Hoth
Oooo trouble... what a messy fuss, it's treacherous,
Oooo trouble... it happens to the best of us,
Oooo trouble... run feet, and keep from off front street,
Oooo trouble... or else be in some deep shit with more fishes to sleep with.
What a year,
our president's a child and our children are beyond queer,
our phones are their eyes and their ears, and
big brother's got bigger brothers – they're here,
they make music in the key of minors, we
run like wrist watches, small timers,
even with body doubles, they're finna find us,
hiding in a bowl of rice, big trouble in Little China,
our government says, time to play, as
long as they get paid the day after yesterday,
this new now ain't going away, their
state is like mercury, in permanent retrograde,
abductions are the new norm,
fuck a whistle, blow a bugle or a flugelhorn,
all communiqué must be coded into new forms,
bypass the tracking devices in our newborns.
Fuck me, since the 1940s?
Their secrets didn't die with Hitler and Goring,
#OperationPaperclip became their favorite sortie, it
got 'em technology and stem cells from our abortees,
talk about traitors for hire, they
walk a fine line like a bird on a wire, and
if we're all gonna have to walk through the fire,
you're either ignorant or in on it, stupid or liar,
and there it is, a test for us all.
Are you complicit or rebel with a cause?
Star Wars prophecy, the Serenity clause - the
house can't win if all bets are off,
fuck class, gender, hate and racist jive, if
you're with them, you're not one of mine,
they own the media, it won't be televised,
but this revolution is going hella live.
those turncoats are repugnant, for
bastardizing our laws and poisoning our government,
diplomatic immunity ends with our covenant,
if you're not with us, you're against the republic.
Tuesday, March 24, 2020
Chapter 45

The rhythmic beat of gentle, reminder tones in the bunker were soothing within the acoustics. The president liked bunkers. They were truly USA's best invention ever, and it was time to dive deep. His military had some big news coming down the pipe, bigger than the death of Bin Laden, and he was not going to hit the links until he heard what they were giddy about.
He entered a brightly lit room full of big brass, all smiles.
"Mr. President, have we got some news for you..."
"What's going down boys?"
"First, you recall the cabal of big Pharma folks and all the mercenaries they've been buying up?"
"Our favorite opioid addicts coming back for more?" the president mused.
"They have been withholding information on an operation we've planned for years."
"We? Planned?" the president paused.
The men looked at each and proceeded, "the military has been split down political/financial lines like we've never seen. Those families believe they can keep you leveraged out of 'need to know' information.
More glances, "there has been a drill planned on going live for years based around the new 5g roll out. The technology is safe, but a small percentage of the population will die of complications."
"How small?"
"Under 500 million."
"For better wifi?"
The men kept their smiles up. "There's much more than that at stake, better STAR WARS missile defense, better surveillance of enemies foreign and domestic, better/faster intel and yes, better wifi for the public. The point is sir, it's happening and all governments are conceding to it, regardless of how much intel they have."
The president brightened, "so, why would the Pharma jerks want me out of that loop?"
The men tittered, "because of how the op spins the info. At the international Military Games last month in Wuhan, China, they rolled out 5g. If the population has little to no physical issues, all is copacetic. But if the local citizens have more serious issues, there will be an influenza released and blamed on China."
"Fucking fuck..." the president stammered. "This is happening?"
"This is happening... now."
The president was stunned. "Fucking fuck," he thought, "this is really happening. "And you choose now to drop this shit sandwich on my plate?"
"And," the men continued, "we have a new play."
The president rolled his eyes, "fucking out with it!"
"Big Pharma thinks you will take a public hit with the market drop. They will recoup all their legal losses through selling vaccines and medicines while your economy crumbles. They were also planning on running all the pandemic chapters internationally, but we got the upper hand on them and forced them out of the op."
The president brightened. "Tell me you got some of these fucks on record!"
The room lit up from the reflections off their teeth. "Some of them are connected to Epstein..."
"Oh, that's good!" the president was floored, "holy shit guys, this is fucking great!" He stood up and paced for a few turns, "Jesus fuck, you guys... this changes the game!"
"Sir, those federal indictments can include what was just uncovered. The first wave of Epstein people can be obtained during a quarantine."
"You know I can't go martial law on my constituents, that's one I'm not willing to..."
"Sir, it won't be mandatory. If you announce it to be mandatory, send in National Guard, but don't enforce it, your words will keep the civilians at bay for up to a month. While we round up more cabal members after a 'suggested curfew of 6pm,' the public won't see our moves, the indicted we have to time to prepare, and we can pull off this op in less than 30 days."
The president guffawed, "you guys are beautiful, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. If I were a chick, I'd suck every last one of your dicks!"
The men glowed. "Thank you Mr. President."
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