Fourteen years ago, the Bush administration with support from Mossad agents involved in "wet ops" helped fool the American people into believing Muslims based out of a cave in Afghanistan destroyed the World Trade Center (three buildings with two planes) and a side of the Pentagon. Instead of issuing the order to shoot the planes, Dick Cheney told NORAD to stand down, allowing three of the four planes to hit their targets.
Why? The real question is: who benefits?
1. The Patriot Act was issued not long after. This gave (and still gives) the US military industrial complex nearly unlimited money for weapons and surveillance.
2. The Bush administration ignored Osama Bin Laden (their patsy) and instead chose to invade Iraq for oil. All contracts were given to Haliburton (Cheney's company).
3. The TSA was established to prevent terrorist attacks. This group has caught no terrorists in thirteen years, but has been caught stealing, abusing and even raping civilian flyers (while getting paid).
4. The government of Israel got their straw man argument fulfilled by showing how Muslims are terrorists (even though Muslims had nothing to do with it), and have been using 9/11 as yet another reason for genocide against any Muslims (i.e. Palestine).
This is only a fraction of the truth, but US government still hides it.
Weird, right? If you'd like any insider information on our country's actual history, please watch these documentaries:
The whodunnit:
"9/11 False Flag Conspiracy - Finally Solved (Names, Connections, Motives)"
The evidence:
"911 In Plane Site Directors Cut"
The history behind it:
"Ring of Power"