Saturday, December 20, 2014

The Caveman is Still Here

All of the societal conflicts we are dealing with come down to evolution. We haven't weeded out the caveman yet.

Anytime a human being hurts another intentionally, they're living in the past. They haven't given up a culture of behavior they were raised with and still consider it acceptable, especially if they can get away with it.

Our government has elements of the caveman within it, our military is mostly driven by the caveman mentality "kill or be killed," and some of our police have taken up this same position.
Capitalism has been redefined as amoral, which is what a caveman is.
Even between men and women, the abuse we inflict on each other comes from fear, which is TOTAL CAVEMAN.

How do we evolve together?
(the faster, the better)

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Selling Fear is Big Business

False Evidence Appearing Real
(and still the easiest way to control the masses)

White people are afraid of black people. Black people are afraid of police. Women are afraid of men. Men are afraid of being controlled by women. Americans are afraid of being terrorized. The rest of the world is afraid of being taken over by the USA. Everyone is scared of something...

However you look at it, FEAR is only real if you believe it. The problem is, some people know how to profit from this instinct that we've been evolving away from. It's an easy adrenaline rush, (like watching a horror flick) except TV producers and media moguls have figured out how to incorporate it in every moment of our waking existence.

Do we want that?
How do we see the truth?
What is a WIN-WIN solution for everyone?

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Hand Up, Don't Shoot

It's awkward to see most of the media get it wrong. "Hands Up Don't Shoot" is not about white vs. black. It's a response to people in power (police or otherwise) being able to kill the rest of us with no punishment.

When you, as a civilian, realize there is a certain percentage of Americans who can kill you with impunity...that's like culture shock.

What if they get it wrong?
(check the statistics on capital punishment,
how many innocent people die?)

for real man, like put the gun down and let's talk
it's not fair for you to have that kind of right, if I do not