The president awoke drenched in sweat. He checked his arms for needle marks and found none.
That couldn’t have been a dream he thought, but then,
what the hell was it? Whatever it was, it was scary.
“You ok, baby?” asked the first lady.
“No love,” he replied. “I had awful dreams last night…if they were dreams.”
The first lady put a finger to her mouth and furrowed her brow.
Not here. She didn’t miss a beat. “I’d imagine the leader of the free world might have some impressive nightmares, but don’t worry baby, dreams are just dreams.”
He narrowed his eyes on her. Paranoia invaded his heart.
You too?
Her eyes widened in surprise.
No! She grabbed him tightly and held on until his muscles relaxed. “I’m on your side,” she reminded him. “Trust yourself.”
He lowered his eyes and laughed. “Man…thanks love.” As he got ready for the day, he had one thing on his mind: a private phone call. Last night was too intense to be a coincidence, and he’d been reading up a whistle blower named Karen Hudes from the World Bank, who was spilling beans of the wildest variety. The question was, how does the President of the USA make a private call? Then again, after last night…
fuck protocol.
He looked her up online. Her phone number was listed on her website.
The phone rang. “Hello?”
“Karen? This is the President of the United States. May I have a word with you?” He got nothing for a few seconds. “Hello?
“Is this a joke?” Karen asked.
“No ma’am, it’s really me. I was inspired to call you. I had a dream last night, that I was interrogated and drugged, but I can’t be sure it was a dream. I just wanted to pick your brain to find out what you could tell me about that.”
Karen hesitated. “This isn’t a joke? Between your advisers, and staff and…anyone within the continental USA, you want my advice?”
The President thought for a moment. “Ma’am, I have all those people available, but they don’t seem to be able to relay the kind of information I’m looking for. Based on what I’ve read about you, I’d be interested in your opinion on some things.” He told her about his vivid conversations with other whistle blowers, and what seemed like hours or maybe days inside that room.
“You didn’t find any needle marks?” she asked.
“When you were inaugurated, did they inject you with anything or immunize you?”
“Sure,” the president said. “I was required by law to receive a chip in my arm…you know, ‘national security,’ in case I was ever abducted.”
“Or so they can always know where you are,” she suggested.
“Well, yes.”
“Did they ever put you out for any reason, you know, with anesthesia?”
“Ah…well…yes,” the president said slowly.
“Why?” she asked.
“They said they could run a bunch of tests all at once, if they put me out for a bit.”
“Hmmm…well, I assume you want to hear conspiracy theory?
“Hit me with your best shot.”
“My guess,” Karen began, “is that they put a dream chip in your skull somewhere.”
“A ‘dream chip’?” he asked.
“The technology has been available to create or instigate dreams in humans and even broadcast brainwaves back to monitors, but there’s been a lot of speculation lately that they figured out how to view the dreams outside the brain. Others could actually be watching your dream as you have it.”
“Like who?”
“Who do you think Mr. President?” she continued. “The same people who made that Malaysian flight disappear.”
The President felt a chill. “How would they have done it?”
“They most likely took the plane by remote control, thinned down the oxygen inside the cabin to knock out the passengers and flew it to US base Diego Garcia below India. If you check the flight path, it was heading west right toward the island when it disappeared from radar. There were twenty Chinese scientists aboard working for Freescale, a company that makes cutting edge technology specifically for new-age military tactics. The Carlyle Group and Halliburton bought 20% of that company back in 2006 and five of those scientists on board also own percentages of Freescale. You see where this is going?”
“National security,” the President said.
“Right,” she replied. “and what’s really evil to me, is the NSA knows where they are, but they’re keeping quiet. The CIA also knows, because those scientists were ‘persons of interest’ whom the agency would never let out of their sight. Likewise the military would know, as it’s their island, and the media is telling people to look anywhere
but where the plane is, so we have this ugly group of Americans lying to the rest of the world and ruining the lives of 227 people, just so the power mongers can get more power. I’m sick of it sir. It’s inhuman, un-American and just plain rotten.”
“I hear you,” said the President.
“Now the question is,” she stammered, “what are you going to do about it?”