Sunday, December 30, 2012

Chapter Thirty-Three

Assange had ants in his pants. He’d been here before, many times, but it still didn’t change the fact that being a political pariah could be tiresome. No more girls. No more walks thru London. No more jet-setting, although even at the height of his popularity, he was miserly with his funding, and rarely treated himself to whims he could certainly afford. It was all for the cause, and the cause needed people like him: single-minded, dedicated purists who were good at finding others with money to contribute. He excelled at living on next to nothing, unfortunately WikiLeaks did not.

Regardless, 2012 had been decent. The banking blockade was still in effect from Paypal, Mastercard/Visa and other cronies of the international monetary system, but his team used it to sway public opinion, and funding continued to trickle in. The Stratfor emails were the juiciest leaks, revealing how independent surveillance companies gained diplomatic immunity from federal law to spy on anyone including unlimited personal data gathering, bribing international media and activity that would be considered illegal. The heads were the usual incestuous group of ex-military brigands used to following orders and being creative with amoral strategies. It was dark stuff, but on a lighter note, his show on RT had been fun, and the world hadn’t ended…yet.

It was time to write a letter. Assange sat down at his laptop.

Dear President Obama,

I know you are a good man. I am sincerely grateful you are president of the United States, because I trust you have the interests of the People in mind. International polls suggest the rest of the world believes you to be a man of integrity, willing to do the right thing. You have an opportunity to unite the People in ways this Earth has never seen, but I am concerned your own government is working against you.

I respect the fact you want to unite conservatives and liberals instead of divide them. I respect your acceptance of criticism and even hatred toward you. I respect you, because you respect all humans beings regardless if you agree with them, and instead of play games with the lives of others, you choose to find common ground. That in itself is exceptional, and you are in the position to bring that vision to the entire planet, but it must begin in the United States.

Please sir, tear down the veil that separates you from us. Responsible government is for the People, by the People and to insure its success, it must be transparent to the People. Show the People the truth, and let us see what goes on inside the government. It will free you of having to keep secrets from us. It will embolden creative minds to be accountable leaders. It will manifest win-win solutions, and most importantly, it will be the kind of change you promised America.

The whole world is watching, and we’ve been waiting for awhile. If you are the one up to the challenge, we will make it worth your time. We will evolve with you, not against you. We shall know the truth, and the truth shall set us free.

Transparency is the apocalypse,

Julian Assange

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Post Apocalypse

Transparency is the Apocalypse. We're on the upswing now. The public is realizing several key things:

1. Our government is a great idea, but it's being used by some in power for personal gain.
2. Our military is a great idea, but it's being manipulated by some in power for global terrorism.
3. Capitalism is a great idea, but it's being warped by some in power for predatory motives.

What's the truth? We, the People have the power. Our collective opinion is what makes the laws here, and on the daily we are respectful to each other, we do good business and we are civil human beings that don't argue all the time. Shouldn't our government/military/big business mirror reality?

Let's let go of the hype...if that includes some people in power, so be it.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Secret Muslim [political parody rap video]

"I bet he's a secret Muslim,
says he prays to Christ, but you just don't trust him,
kneels to Ramadan five times a day,
don't eat for a month, what the f*ck does that say?"

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Chapter Thirty-Two

“How are you doing Poppy?”

George H.W. Bush Sr. was old…older than Cheney, but his legacy was safe, as long as he was alive. Lately, he had to work harder than ever to keep it that way. “I’m fine Dick. How are you?”

“Oh, I’m hanging in there,” Cheney replied, “but I must admit, I am a bit concerned about the pop culture brewing in the White House.”

“Oh?” Bush slowly turned in his chair to face Cheney. “It seems to me that we have that bud nipped. What are you worried about?”

Cheney gathered his thoughts. He had always gotten along swimmingly with Poppy, a constant business partner and mentor, but momentarily realizing he was speaking with “the master,” (as Bush is referred to within the espionage community) sometimes it was unsettling. “I’m concerned about ‘our man’ in the White House being a possible Manchurian candidate,” Cheney admitted. “I don’t want to be paranoid, but it seems as if he is susceptible to public opinion that we don’t want.”

Bush glanced at the floor and thought for a moment. “Did you happen to catch the documentary ‘Dreams of My Real Father’?”

Cheney looked perplexed. “No, I figured it was more propaganda to hurt his chances of winning a second term…it didn’t matter anyways.”

Bush stared at Cheney. “We’ve known since the first election that his real father is the deceased Frank Marshall Davis, that commie organizer from Chicago. We were able to get a DNA analysis from an independent source.”

Cheney looked awed. “Is that what we’ve ‘got’ on the President? This whole time we’ve been saving it?”

“There is some stickiness involved,” admitted Bush. “At first, we thought we had the ultimate trump card. He obeyed orders and kept away from ‘that which shall not be named,’ but a short while ago, he gained some intel that should not have been obtainable.”

Cheney thought for second, “are you still worried about ‘the big event’?”

“Yes…and no.” Bush paused. “The President’s grand father, Stanley Dunham, was CIA and a trusted member of ‘the company’. However, we didn’t realize how deep his affections could run for his kin compared to our allegiances. We thought he hid the president’s paternity for personal gain and consideration for the CIA. It turns out, he respected this commie and had a sit down with him and his child right after MLK and RFK were assassinated. He spilled the beans intentionally, and ever since, our president has realized he has a double identity.”

“Holy shit!” Cheney was stunned. “The president’s granpa was CIA, and his dad was a commie. No wonder he’s such a moderate. Well, can’t we get him on perjury for stating his dad was that Kenyan?”

“We can,” started Bush, “but the problem is, what will the CIA do?”

“What do you mean?” asked Cheney. “I thought the CIA held you with the utmost importance.”

“That’s the conundrum,” Bush said. “I’ve been able to keep myself protected for decades…but this anomaly makes me hesitant to play out the same strategy. Some in the CIA may consider his story not only newsworthy, they might actually empathize with it.”

“So you understand why I’m concerned?” asked Cheney.

“Of course, but remaining status quo has sufficed so far, and so far, that’s all I’m willing to agree to.”

Cheney stifled the impulse to freak out. “I see. Well, can you tell me any good news or possibilities I should investigate?”

Bush considered the question. “Sure. Keep your eyes peeled for our President’s lack of fascination with Julian Assange and Bradley Manning. There is a clear and present danger that our leader does not consider them the threat that they are. That could be the link we need.”

Friday, December 7, 2012

Review of "Dreams of My Real Father" [documentary on Obama's life]

Just watched "Dreams of My Real Father", which was supposed to be a smear piece on Obama, but if you get past the right wing rhetoric, has an amazing amount of good information (and photos) of his life story. The idea that Obama's real father is Frank Marshall Davis, Chicago Communist organizer, which was hidden by his grandfather, CIA agent Stanley Dunham, (only because how embarrassing would it be that his rebellious daughter would have an affair with a known communist?) is pretty radical...but there's a lot of great evidence.

Instead of shocked, I'm actually intrigued.

Grampa was CIA and Dad was a commie? No wonder he's a moderate.