Friday, August 31, 2012

What is Obama's Motive?

Barack Obama lived thru these presidents:

1. JFK (1961-1963): Kennedy fought for civil rights and was about to take out the FED and the CIA when he was assassinated. Obama is 2-years-old.

2. Lyndon Johnson (1963-1969): passed Civil Rights acts of 1964 that JFK began. MLK is assassinated when Obama is 8-years-old.

3. Richard Nixon (1969-1974): ultimate stooge for special interests (he owed everyone), Vietnam FAIL, Watergate FAIL. Impeached when Obama is 12-years-old.

4. Gerald Ford (1974-1976): even worse stooge for the Rockefellers (remember Chevy Chase's impression of him on SNL?) Obama is in middle school.

5. Jimmy Carter (1976-1980): a Democrat who actually cared, but he fought the right, and got nothing but stalwarts until he was pushed out. Obama is in high school.

6. Ronald Reagan (1980-1988): another stooge for the FBI, and allowed George Bush Sr. to do Iran/Contras, the crack trade thru Los Angeles and other questionable operations. Obama is in college, graduates and become a Chicago community organizer.

7. George Bush Sr. (1988-1992): ex-CIA head, friend of E. Howard Hunt (who admitted to the JFK assassination on his death bed) and connected to all big families that run the world. Obama enters Harvard Law, two law firms and becomes the first black president of the Harvard Law Review.

8. Bill Clinton (1992-2000): smart hillbilly who won the hearts of women even tho he was a philanderer, hated by the right. Obama teaches Constitutional Law at University of Chicago Law School for the next decade and becomes a state Senator in '97.

9. George Bush Jr. (2000-2008): the biggest stooge of all the above presidents listed, stole both elections, 9-11 FAIL, enabled the Patriot Act, war in Iraq and Afghanistan and FAILed America during Katrina. Obama becomes a US Senator in '04.

After growing up thru all this (and certainly finding out about all the dark sides of government) what makes more sense? Obama wants to continue the same old bullshit, or Obama wants to change it for the better?

That was a rhetorical question.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Modern Day Reconstruction (Post Bank Bail-out)

After the civil war, Congress passed the Reconstruction Acts of 1867. This was to rebuild the country while allowing ex-slaves the chance to enter into government, start their own businesses and blossom ("40 acres and a mule" were given to some as a way of starting farms). They did great, phenomenal even. They did so well that many white southerners decided their country was being taken over by blacks. By the mid 1870s, half the country was considering another civil war because of racist fear mongering propaganda. Jim Crow laws began in 1876 as a result, and blacks were pulled from government as well as businesses and by 1880, the South was almost plunged back to slavery again.

When a judge like Tom Head in Lubbock County, TX, tells the media there will be civil war if Obama is re-elected (and he's a JUDGE!) it can only be an attempt at stirring up the latent racism in angry Americans. That's lame, and if the GOP decides to play games like that, they are worthless. Please disregard any political candidate (Dems or GOP) who would prey upon our fears or weaknesses.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Primal Man and the GOP

I can sum up the current political strategy of fear mongering in two words: latent racism. It's the easiest way to an angry white man's heart.

Political Energy: Tales of the Face

For me, it's more of an energy thing. I don't know if any of you see auras or energy, but I'll put it like this: Since I've been alive, Reagan had charismatic, yet fake energy, Bush Sr. had dark/dangerous energy, Clinton had little-kid-in-a-candystore energy, Bush Jr. had scared/confused energy and Obama has bright energy. In the book "Blink" by Malcolm Gladwell, the author has a whole section on a scientist who used to be able to read people's history just by their face. It feels that way for me.

The other big deal to me is Obama's life as a black kid being raised during Martin Luther King. It's pretty hard to come up in that atmosphere and then turn around to be a stoolie for government (like many people feel). Imo, he's just seeking harmony between the parties (and the populace), but of course, that's pushing the GOP further away, because they don't want him to succeed at anything.

If you watch how slanted the Tea Party, FOX NEWS, Bill O'Reilly, Palin, Hannity, Beck, and many others are towards Obama, it's unjustified and geared at making all this look like his fault, when they are the same people who allowed the Bush administration to run wild for 8 years...and they know it (and that's why they point the finger so quickly).

The adage "thanks for blaming the black guy" plays out so well for average Americans because most have no idea their latent racism is egging this thing along. The GOP is the best at fear mongering, and they pimp that shit.

Anywho, if their was no Obama, I'd be voting for Ron Paul, but you see how slimy the Republicans have been to him, and the fact that it's now come out that he actually WON the Iowa caucus, shows how far the GOP will go to keep a stoolie (Romney) in place, so they get their agenda done.

"The Newsroom" on HBO has the best breakdown I've ever heard of the GOP. I recommend watching the entire season.

Read this article on "The Newsroom" by Anthony Venutolo

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Presidential Strategic Theory

President Obama is seeking unity by "working with" the Republicans. Taking the high road is worth it, if it comes natural and honorably, but with strategy in mind, think of how Cheney and Bush abused the trust of the right wing. After the last administration, wouldn't you want to work with the new guy who attempts to re-instill a working relationship? If Obama fights them, he'll spend all his energy working against a power, instead of WITH a power. The military (big brass anyways) loves him now because he's giving them latitude to finish their work and not anger another sector (although last I heard, 80% of the regular military is voting for Ron Paul). He hasn't raised taxes and (so far) has allowed Wall Street a chance to change their ways (although we know many banks haven't).

When he was first elected, I wanted him to go after the bad guys like JFK tried to do, but I realized if he did, he most likely would've been assassinated like JFK. To make real change, what do you do instead? Befriend the bad guys to see who wants to work together (while alienating himself from his base), hold them accountable (to show the public what they are up to), make the People mad (get them bubbling) and voila! WE ACTUALLY GIVE A SHIT NOW.

It's up to us to make change.

If you want to call it what it is, Obama is more of a hegemon (like in the novels of Orson Scott Card) than a president. He'd rather find common ground and work with everyone than be partisan and try to bully the rest of America into submission.

He also knows, the final decision is OURS.

I think the above advertisement goes deeper than most think...especially since it's not trying to advance himself, it's about us advancing US.

Chapter Twenty-Four

Assange was awakened by a loud banging on the Embassy door. It was four in the morning. A bit unnerved, Assange crept to the entrance cautiously. He looked for a weapon…papers, old laptops, a chair. He chuckled at himself and sighed. “Whatever.” He opened the door a smidgeon. “Yes?”

“Greetings and salutations brother!” said Anon #1. He bowed, revealing a blonde wig behind his Guy Fawkes mask. “We’re here to rescue you in the name of the People, right under the nose of fascism.”

Assange smiled, “you and what army?”

Anon #2 threw open the door. “This one sir!” Assange peered outside. Hundreds of people in masks and blonde wigs filled the streets in front of the embassy.

“You guys are…” Assange’s voice hitched, “awesome. But I can’t go.”

“What do mean?!?” cried Anon #4. “The time is ripe, and the night coppers are preoccupied by a sighting of you near Crystal Palace on the other side of the river. You’ve got an army of volunteers here at your beck and call, AND we’ve got safe houses all over the country.”

“It’ll be life imitating art imitating life,” said Anon #5, glasses clearly visible behind his mask. “Just like ‘V for Vendetta’!”

“Hold on,” said Anon #6, who chose a dyed blonde crew cut (JA hair-do ver. 3.0). “Guy Fawkes never wore a bloody mask. He was no pussy.”

“You’re biased,” replied Anon #5. “You’ve got tart on the brain.”

“She never could separate business from leisure,” chimed Anon #3.

#5 rolled his eyes, “That’s pleasure.”

“Chaps, stick to the subject.” Assange continued, “I can’t go with you. The police will be back any moment, and regardless, this place is wired for sound and there are cameras on every block.”

“We got laser pointers on all of ‘em!” whined Anon #2. “Please Sir Julian…”

“Don’t call me Sir Julian.”

“But,” pleaded #2, eyes watering, “we’ve had so little time with you. ‘Please sir, I want some more’.”

“That’s very cute Oliver, but before you begin singing ‘Where is Love?’ I suggest you pack up the entourage and scatter before a S.W.A.T. team gets here.”

“But the laser pointers…”

“Won’t show them shite, but will alert them that we are here,” concluded Anon #1. “Sorry Jules, we thought this was the right thing to do, but if you think it’s too impulsive, we will wait for a better opportunity.”

“You chaps are ‘A’ grade material, and I appreciate the help, but I’ll need more time before we pull a stunt like this. I’ve got some business with Ecuador to handle before I make any moves out of here.” Police sirens began wailing in the distance. “Come on lads, you don’t have much time.”

“All right you miscreants!” yelled Anon #1. “We’re pissing off, but let’s leave ‘em with a song!”

The crowd about-faced and began marching. “When you walk through a storm hold your head up high, and don’t be afraid of the dark. At the end of a storm is a golden sky, and the sweet silver song of a lark. Walk on through the wind, walk on through the rain, tho’ your dreams be tossed and blown. Walk on, walk on with hope in your heart and you’ll never walk alone, you’ll never, ever walk alone.”

The S.W.A.T. team barreled right into the heart of the mob, yanking masks left and right. Julian watched from the door and fought back tears.

“Walk on, walk on with hope in your heart, and you’ll never walk alone, you’ll never, ever walk alone!”

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Chapter Twenty-three

[Tuesday, November 6, 2012]
“My fellow Americans, brothers, sisters, human beings…Earthlings (laughs),” the president paused. “thank you for electing me once again. In gratitude to all that is happening, before I tell you guys some things, I’d like to pause for a moment of silence. Within this moment, please pray to the Good that you believe in. Whether that Good is Jesus, Yaweh, Mohammed, Brahman, Buddha or just positive energy, please join me…”


The President continued. “I’ve done a lot of thinking, and I’ve done a lot of praying. It seems to me that the time has come for our whole planet to unite as one, and it doesn’t have to be difficult. Religions are beginning to reach out to each other and understand one another. The internet is creating a real-time bond in business and recreation between people who would otherwise never meet each other. Although it seems as if we are separate individuals and very different, science is realizing this entire reality is our choice. We are actually one life force, united by energy, atoms and emotions. This is also known as Love. It is Love that holds our families and countries together. It is Love that drives our economy. It is love that enables us be harmonious and it is Love that gave us this paradise equipped with oxygen, food, water, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

“So what’s wrong? Why do we have war? Why do many starve when few have more than enough to eat? Why is wealth hoarded? Why can’t we all just ‘get along?’

“The answer is fear…fear of being weak…fear of not having enough…fear of being held accountable…fear of being oppressed…but it’s all an illusion.

“Love is the truth. Fear is the lack of love and consequently, a lie. Love is, fear isn’t. When FDR said, “we have nothing to fear except fear itself,” he meant once you get over the act of being afraid, it’s gone. That self-preserving quality might have been necessary when we were cavemen, but we aren’t cavemen anymore. We are Americans, we are Russians, we are Iranians, we are Mexicans, we are Chinese, we are Africans, we are Europeans, but most importantly, we are humans beings, and we need each other, so let’s be gentle.

“I was raised during the time of Martin Luther King. He had a dream where children of all races could play together and be treated equally. I was one of those children. I saw our country’s consciousness expand into understanding and empathy for all, regardless of creed or color. I watched the civil rights movement work, and it was worth it…but we’re not finished yet.

“It’s time for our next leap of faith. It’s time for amnesty for transparency.

“I, Barack Hussein Obama, am offering amnesty to any American soldier who refuses to kill another human being. You will not be court-martialed for standing up to murder, and any information you share about wrong-doings within the military may not be used against you. To set this precedent, I am freeing Bradley Manning for blowing the whistle on questionable behavior by our military.

“I, Barack Hussein Obama, am offering amnesty to any American politician who has witnessed or engaged in corruption within our government. Secrets are a cancer that has been growing within our system for decades, and our country cannot exist as a free society until those secrets are acknowledged and scrutinized. To set this precedent, I am releasing Jack Abramoff from his probation for blowing the whistle on the illegitimate practices of the lobbying industry.

“I, Barack Hussein Obama, am offering amnesty to anyone in the American job force who has witnessed or engaged in unethical or immoral practices within our big businesses. The United States flourishes when capitalism is practiced open and honestly without back-room allegiances and monopolistic mentality. To set this precedent, I am releasing Sam Israel III for blowing the whistle on the banking industry and stock exchange.

“As a final farewell to primal mankind, I also declare war illegal. No longer will the United States kill in the name of freedom. No longer will the world look at us as the controllers of life and death. No longer will we rationalize murder as an option…Love is the only option.

“America…ARE YOU WITH ME?” (cheers)

The president awoke with a smile on his face. “Someday baby…someday.” He thanked God and went back to sleep.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Chapter Twenty-Two

[Tuesday, November 6, 2012]
“We’re entering a new age,” continued the President during his reelection speech, “the People are getting hip to how far power will go to push us around. It’s nothing new, but the boundaries are getting bigger. Torture, something that was once thought to be un-American, inhumane and immoral, has been embraced by aggressive members of this government and military, in order to match the amoral methods of our enemies (current and past). Capitalism, our tried and true means of livelihood, went from decades of prosperity to being tainted by the repeal of Glass–Steagall in ’97 so the big whigs could once again play with our money as they did before the Great Depression. Transparency, honor and good business have been replaced by secrecy, distortions of facts and the predatory practice of taking over companies instead of profiting alongside them.

“I love my country. I wouldn’t be the president of the United States unless I did, but change is hard. During my first administration, when the banks dropped their financial fallout in my lap, I helped them get back on track and offered to work across party lines by doing as the GOP asked, continuing the Bush-era tax cuts for the top 2%. In return, the banks went back to the same practice of risky investments and derivative folly, while the Republicans decided the only objective worthy of tax payer money (for four years) was to unite against my administration so that no change could happen at all.

“My fellow Americans, I’m asking you now, is that what you want?”

“No!” The crowd’s response was thick and heavy.

“Do you thinks it’s fair for a handful of the wealthy elite to play with the rest of our lives?

“No!” Louder this time.

“Do you want your money, your stock market, and your worth measured by those who would manipulate the system to their advantage leaving you less in return?”


“Are you ready to do something about it?”

“YES!” The crowd was electrified.

“Alright. I am now enacting several executive orders in regards to our government that my staff and I trust are appropriate and good for America based on public opinion and letters sent to us from concerned citizens:
1. All members of US government are now required to be transparent about their funding, their associations and their business transactions. If you are to be held accountable by the tax payers, you must be able to show your work. No longer will US policy be bastardized by back room deals. The best leaders will be judged by their ability to work together and not against each other.
2. Lobbyists are no longer welcome in Washington. For too long, the interests of the People have been substituted by the whims of the rich with no regard to the average American. Politicians must now work for the People and not for special interests.
3. Any member of the US government: House, Senate, White House, etc, will now receive minimum wage, and I am abolishing all government pensions. Leaders of this country should be here to make America a better place instead of building up their own power for ulterior motives. We will now vote for those who wish to work with us instead of against us.

“I trust America and I trust the American people. We are great and we will continue to be great thru honor, empathy and team-work. There will be severe challenges to these changes in the forms of aggressive propaganda by media that has been bought and sold, big business owners who are happy with the way things are and politicians who don’t want to relinquish the power they have acquired. You will hear conspiracy theories explaining why I would attempt this change, defamations of my character and wild talk of revolution, but in the words of the great rap group Public Enemy, 'Don’t believe the hype'…” (massive applause)

“Can the United States be bought?”


“Can the United States be sold?”


“Will you help me ‘fight the power’?”

“YES!” As the crowds cheers reach a frenzy, gunshots ring out from the president’s left and he falls while the crowd begins to scream.

Assange awoke in a pool of sweat. “Bloody hell.” He turned over on the floor of the Ecuadorian embassy and went back to sleep.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Chapter Twenty-one

[Tuesday, November 6, 2012]
“My fellow Americans…thank you for reelecting me (applause). I have great news. Upon follow-up investigations into Wall Street corruption that lead all the way up into our government, the results were so staggering my administration came to the conclusion that there is only one way to right our corporate culture.

“I am proud to announce that the United States forgives ALL OUTSTANDING DEBT (gasps from the audience) from college loans to foreign aid to your current mortgage (stunned applause). From now on, any loans procured MUST BE INTEREST FREE. Honest, transparent transactions will stimulate fluid business and rapid growth which historically accompanies a free market uninhibited by money masters.

“Furthermore, to rid ourselves of the current economic stranglehold that the banking industry has on the entire world:
1. The United States is abolishing the FED and the policy of fractional reserve banking as both do nothing more than keep middle men rich for manipulating our money in a monopolistic fashion.
2. Because of these unethical practices, America is also withdrawing from the IMF, BIS and the World Bank, so as to lead the people of our planet in a new direction based on actual value instead of debt.
3. All US debt, such as US Bonds will be paid off in US notes printed by America, and just as “greenbacks” initiated unprecedented growth after the Civil War, it will be one hundredfold now.

“But why now?

“I learned a few things after my last term. I learned from Benjamin Franklin that the American Revolution was caused by the banks. From Thomas Jefferson, I learned that unless our money belongs to the People, it can be used against the People. From James Madison, I learned that “money changers” are unnecessary and on average more of a danger to the public than a benefit. From Andrew Jackson, I learned that the banks will pay any amount of money to get their agenda passed, even if it means attempting to assassinate a President who sees thru their nefarious plans. From Abraham Lincoln, I learned that debt free currency creates growth and opportunity, but does nothing for those who are used to playing with debt. From Woodrow Wilson, I learned why he believed he “did the most damage to our government” by allowing the 1913 Federal Reserve Act to pass. From JFK, I learned that men with unlimited power will do anything to keep this biased system in place, and from 9-11, I learned that these men will not stop meddling with the rest of our lives until they own the world.

“That’s why.

“Why should someone get paid to play with our money? Interest and debt and contrary to logic. A usury is unnecessary in a world where we are now able to communicate on the internet and work together internationally thru good for good and service for service. A debt based economy is funded by taxes and more debt. A value based economy is open and honest and increases only so much as we keep usuries away from our laws.

“In conclusion, I cannot continue to be accountable to a system that is not accountable. It’s a fabrication based on rules that change as soon as those in command of it see another way of making a quick buck. It’s not honorable, it’s not mathematically possible and it’s NOT WORKING.

“The way they operate, the banks would have us be their camel carrying loads of hay for next to nothing while they profit from our labor…but the straws have piled up. I’m happy to say, before they could break our backs, change happened…you voted for me.

“I tell you this now, because if We, the People are to separate ourselves from those who do not hold our interests as their own, we have to work together. Remember, those who would keep the current system are not evil, they are simply used to it. They must realize with us that no one can truly profit from a win-lose business model. In the end, this happens, but the time now is not for judging our fellow mankind, it’s time for change. Let’s make a WIN-WIN system where we all win. There’s more than enough to go around…” (massive applause)

Private Manning awoke, eyes wide. “Damn it!” He turned over in his bed and went back to sleep.