Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Reduce the US deficit by Trimming the Military

Cut military spending?



They are paid an unreasonable amount of money to defend the USA, when no one in their right mind is going to attack the USA, and even if they did, they would fail. The only thing I'm worried about is the possibility of a military cut in spending resulting in a our own military staging a terrorist action within our country to prove that we need more national's been done before.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Any Leaders Out There?

Martin Luther King and Gandhi showed us how to make change thru peaceful protest, and the change made has lasted longer than change made thru wars. Unfortunately, peaceful protest works better when there is a leader or team of leaders to lead the peace. Right now, people just look angry and itching for a fight.

Any intelligent, charismatic, extroverted individuals up to the task of changing the world thru patience and love?

The whole world is watching...and waiting.