Saturday, November 3, 2012

Chapter Twenty-Nine

The door to the Assange’s room in the Ecuadorian embassy exploded open, no smoke, just broken hinges on the floor. The power dimmed and cut out. Karl Rove stood in the entrance.

“You could’ve just knocked.” Assange got up from his seat. “I’ve never experienced it before, but that felt like some of the new electro magnetic pulse trigger entry technology...the EMPTE, I believe?”

“You’re coming with me now,” said Rove.

“No,” replied Assange, “actually, I am currently receiving political asylum from Ecuador, and no matter how much you attempt to intimidate me, I will not freely give up my rights.”

“You are currently conspiring with enemies of the United States and sharing information with international terrorists.” Rove continued to stand in the entry. “Let’s go.”

Assange stared at him from across the room. “If you mean I am cooperating with the rest of the world that does not agree with your people, you are correct, but that in itself is not illegal. Likewise, I do share information with protest groups and whistleblower agencies of government, but they are by no means ‘terrorists’ even if you are trying to get legislation passed that says otherwise.”

“We have your fingerprints all over some new 9-11 leaks streaming on youtube ( That’s a lot of classified information not allowed for public view, sponsored by you. Come out and disprove me.”

“I don’t do 9-11,” Assange said.

“You don’t do 9-11 because you don’t want be sloughed off as another crazy train patron,” Rove responded. “Don’t lie to me, I know.”

Assange bit his lip for a second. “If 9-11 is exactly how your people purport it to be, why are you so paranoid?”

Rove glowered. “You know exactly what happened on 9-11, and I know you know, because I know everything! National security is the only reason I need to take you out, so unless you want me to put unnecessary pressure on you thru others you may or may not care about, I suggest martyrdom as soon as possible. Follow me.”

Assange sat back down. “I also don’t do blackmail Mr. Rove. If you’ll excuse me, I have some very important work to do.” Assange paused, “By the way, I noticed you do a lot of clandestine work yourself Karl. The amount of time you’ve spent on 9-11 witnesses alone is staggering. There is a curious amount of coincidental deaths within those witnesses. Last I looked, more 9-11 witnesses have died before they could submit testimony than have survived and made it to court. Your whereabouts during those years are dubious even on the DoJ database. Cheeky Karl, you are a shadow.”

“I don’t do blackmail either ass face,” Karl waited. “What else do you know?”

Assange smiled. “I know you have ordered the deaths of thousands of ‘insurgents’ whether they were Afghanis, Iraqis or even Americans on U.S. soil in the name of ‘national security’ although it's debatable whether any of those Americans were actually insurgents or just those unlucky enough to possess too much info about 9-11. I know thru your ties to the Bush family you were able to loot the World Trade Center gold supply, Iraqi gold in Baghdad, and Gaddafi’s Libyan gold reserves, and I know you get illegal oil money from those regions. If all goes well in Iran, I know you will get a nice chunk from their oil too.” Assange paused. “Unless you're going to be master of your technology, it doesn’t matter how many advantages you have on the rest of us. We will always find out what you are up to…always.”

Rove fumed, “we’ll see if you can keep up with us from your room here. You’re still grounded. That reminds me, say some prayers for your mum.” He stormed out.

Assange heard voices in Spanish yelling from the halls. Several embassy soldiers finally arrived at his door.

“Es ok senior Assange?” asked one of them.

Assange reached behind his desk and pressed stop on his old school analog recorder. The tape was unaffected by the EMP earlier. He rewound the tape and listened. Rove came thru loud and clear.

“Si, es ok mi amigo. Gracias.”

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