Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Heaven Was My Life featuring REP (new organ by John Maxfield)

If I go to hell, I bet I keep my wings, because
Heaven was my whole damn life...
Heaven was my whole damn life...
Heaven was my whole damn life...


Our father, hallowed be thy name, for it's
you from whom I came, thy kingdom
come, (right now) thy will be done, on
Earth as it, is in Heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread, for
with it, I make my bed, I don't tress-
pass, so I won't get tresspas-sed, the only
temptation going is to end up dead, to the

Truth, that evil really has no head, you can't
dance with the devil, when he has no legs, just a
bunch of bad decisions that has no end, unless you
separate yourself from them. So let's be

friends, for thine is the kingdom and the power to
lend, more Ender, more glory to remember, there
is no beginning and there'll never be an end, for-
ever...forever...forever... amen.



Heaven was my whole
life, life, life where did I fail?
On a mission to prevail,
Represent, I get it, how I live,
God forgive me for all my sins,

Amen, and at the end of every prayer,
at the end of everything we laid down, before he come saves us,
Represent, been here representing for the underground,
They don't own me so I often speak with a new and final offer of sound,

Lay 'em down, stick 'em up, screw 'em like a nail,
and this life we live, sometimes I feel like we in hell.
Stop where ye dwell...
sometimes I'm figuring this shit out my nigga, sometimes where did I fail?

But I don't know, I don't know
I can't choose it, you must show me,
I can't figure it out neither,
give me a path, so I can proceed thus.


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