Saturday, August 11, 2012

Chapter Twenty-one

[Tuesday, November 6, 2012]
“My fellow Americans…thank you for reelecting me (applause). I have great news. Upon follow-up investigations into Wall Street corruption that lead all the way up into our government, the results were so staggering my administration came to the conclusion that there is only one way to right our corporate culture.

“I am proud to announce that the United States forgives ALL OUTSTANDING DEBT (gasps from the audience) from college loans to foreign aid to your current mortgage (stunned applause). From now on, any loans procured MUST BE INTEREST FREE. Honest, transparent transactions will stimulate fluid business and rapid growth which historically accompanies a free market uninhibited by money masters.

“Furthermore, to rid ourselves of the current economic stranglehold that the banking industry has on the entire world:
1. The United States is abolishing the FED and the policy of fractional reserve banking as both do nothing more than keep middle men rich for manipulating our money in a monopolistic fashion.
2. Because of these unethical practices, America is also withdrawing from the IMF, BIS and the World Bank, so as to lead the people of our planet in a new direction based on actual value instead of debt.
3. All US debt, such as US Bonds will be paid off in US notes printed by America, and just as “greenbacks” initiated unprecedented growth after the Civil War, it will be one hundredfold now.

“But why now?

“I learned a few things after my last term. I learned from Benjamin Franklin that the American Revolution was caused by the banks. From Thomas Jefferson, I learned that unless our money belongs to the People, it can be used against the People. From James Madison, I learned that “money changers” are unnecessary and on average more of a danger to the public than a benefit. From Andrew Jackson, I learned that the banks will pay any amount of money to get their agenda passed, even if it means attempting to assassinate a President who sees thru their nefarious plans. From Abraham Lincoln, I learned that debt free currency creates growth and opportunity, but does nothing for those who are used to playing with debt. From Woodrow Wilson, I learned why he believed he “did the most damage to our government” by allowing the 1913 Federal Reserve Act to pass. From JFK, I learned that men with unlimited power will do anything to keep this biased system in place, and from 9-11, I learned that these men will not stop meddling with the rest of our lives until they own the world.

“That’s why.

“Why should someone get paid to play with our money? Interest and debt and contrary to logic. A usury is unnecessary in a world where we are now able to communicate on the internet and work together internationally thru good for good and service for service. A debt based economy is funded by taxes and more debt. A value based economy is open and honest and increases only so much as we keep usuries away from our laws.

“In conclusion, I cannot continue to be accountable to a system that is not accountable. It’s a fabrication based on rules that change as soon as those in command of it see another way of making a quick buck. It’s not honorable, it’s not mathematically possible and it’s NOT WORKING.

“The way they operate, the banks would have us be their camel carrying loads of hay for next to nothing while they profit from our labor…but the straws have piled up. I’m happy to say, before they could break our backs, change happened…you voted for me.

“I tell you this now, because if We, the People are to separate ourselves from those who do not hold our interests as their own, we have to work together. Remember, those who would keep the current system are not evil, they are simply used to it. They must realize with us that no one can truly profit from a win-lose business model. In the end, this happens, but the time now is not for judging our fellow mankind, it’s time for change. Let’s make a WIN-WIN system where we all win. There’s more than enough to go around…” (massive applause)

Private Manning awoke, eyes wide. “Damn it!” He turned over in his bed and went back to sleep.

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